Page 66 of Empire

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I shake my head, horror blasting through my chest. “No,” I say, feeling sick at the thought of my father being involved in this. “My father had nothing to do with this world.”

“On the contrary,” Nikolai says. “Your father was deeper in this world than anybody I’ve seen come through here. He was the bastard child of Julius DeVil, Zade’s grandfather, conceived by another who was not his wife and then abandoned at birth. Julius went on to adopt a child with his wife. That child was Lawson DeVil, Zade’s father. Lawson was, for all intents and purposes, Julius’s son, but he did not possess the same DNA. The blood of Empire does not run through Zade’s veins. You, however, as Matthias’s only child, do. You are the heir to Empire, Oakley—the rightful heir. Not Zade DeVil.”

“But you . . . You said you were loyal to the blood.”

“I am indeed. I have always been loyal to the blood. Things shifted over a decade ago after Lawson discovered the truth of his lineage and learned who your father truly was. He knew he would lose the power he possessed and be stripped from Empire.” He gives me a pointed stare before continuing. “Lawson was a proud man, and the thought of losing everything he loved was something he could not bear. It was for that reason he slaughtered your father so no one would discover the truth. And that is exactly why I must do the same now.”

Panic tears at me, and I stare up at him with wild eyes, desperation clear on my face. “Please,” I say, my hands shaking as my heart races in my chest. “I’ll do anything you want. I’ll disappear. I’ll leave Faders Bay and never look back. I don’t want anything to do with Empire, except to be as far away from it as possible. Just let me go back to my life in Missouri and you’ll never hear my name again.”

“I’m sorry, Oakley. It does not work that way. You have the blood, and despite your lack of interest, you have a duty to Empire,” he states. “If you live, you will be forced into power, and I simply cannot accept that. A woman ruling over this world, no matter how capable you might be, would destroy us. We would burn to ashes.”

“So, you’re going to kill me simply because I was born?”

“That,” he says, “and other reasons.”

“Such as?”

He lets out a breath as though explaining all of this to me is beneath him. “Zade DeVil is strong and possesses all the qualities of a fine leader. He is callous and cruel while also compassionate and forgiving when he needs to be. He will do well as our leader despite not belonging in power.” Nikolai rubs a hand down his face as though lost deep in thought. “I was happy to let this go. The restless members of Empire would have eventually taken you out. But as you sit here before me, I am presented with a unique opportunity.”

“Dare I ask what that is?”

“You see, if you die, Zade will not be able to complete his leadership ritual and Empire will be left to fend for themselves. We would indeed crumble. And despite the respect I have for Zade, as a man I’ve watched grow and mature, I cannot allow a fraud to lead Empire.”

I shake my head, feeling as though I’m stating the obvious. “But if you kill me, you have no true leader.”

“In the wake of your death and Zade forfeiting his power, Empire will be presented with an opportunity to rise again with a new bloodline, a new leader, voted in by the people. Not a fraud who mistakenly inherited it, but a new seat of power who will preserve and carry on the traditions and rituals of this great organization.”

I let out a sigh. I should have known there was more than he was letting on. “And let me guess, your name will be at the top of that list?” I question. “The great Thorne legacy.”

A smile pulls at his lips, and I see the truth right there in his eyes. “I cannot deny how fond I am of the prospect.”

My eye is drawn to the darkness across the room, and as if sensing my stare, a shadow moves toward us as Zade’s low tone rumbles through the murder dungeon. “That was a nice story,” he mutters as Nikolai whips around with wide eyes, his face falling in horror. “However, I’m sure you understand that I cannot allow you to do this.”

“Zade,” he breathes, shaking his head and backing up, clearly knowing who has the upper hand here. “I didn’t intend for this to happen. She showed up here and the opportunity presented itself.”

While keeping his gaze on Nikolai, Zade stops by me and reaches into his pocket, producing a knife similar to the one Easton used to brand me. He moves in behind me and effortlessly cuts through the tape, freeing my hands before passing me the knife, indicating for me to release my ankles.

“No matter your reasoning, Nikolai, this is the highest level of treason,” Zade states as I madly free my legs and get off the chair, half hiding behind Zade. “You have proclaimed your intention to murder the only living heir of Empire for your own gain. You have shown disloyalty to your people, to the blood, and to your brothers. On top of this, you have confessed your intentions to tamper with the process of our most sacred ritual, ensuring I cannot complete my task and rise to power, staining your family’s name and reputation.”

Zade indicates to a pair of cuffs on the table behind Nikolai, and he reluctantly swipes them off the table before cuffing his own wrists, pain in his eyes. “I should have your head for this right now,” Zade tells him. “However, out of respect for Sawyer, I will allow this to go to trial in front of The Circle.”

Nikolai’s head whips up, his eyes wide and filled with horror. “No,” he rushes out. “A trial is a guaranteed death sentence.”

“Yes,” Zade agrees. “It is. But a trial allows you the opportunity to say goodbye to your children, your wife. You have been a great role model in my life, Nikolai, and I will not deny that this betrayal hurts me, but I’ll show you the respect you have shown me over the years and offer you this one kindness. I suggest you take it.”

Nikolai nods and with that, Zade pulls out his phone and makes a quick call. Within seconds, a large man who looks like some kind of hired security barges through the room. He strides right up to Nikolai, and I can’t help but notice that even in the worst of situations, Nikolai is still polite.

“Harrison,” he says with a nod. “How are the children?”

“They’re doing well, Nik,” the guard says before gripping the back of his arm. “Come on. I’ll take you down to the cells.”

As the man escorts Nikolai out of the murder dungeon, Zade’s tight grip clutches onto my arm. He pushes me in front of him, quickly making his way out of the dungeon and up the stairs, much like we’d done the other night. Despite how terrified I am of being here, I’ve never been so happy to see Zade DeVil.

He doesn’t speak a word as he leads me out of the Empire compound, through the long walkways, and back to the gold-plated gate. It’s not until our feet hit the pavement of the old train tunnel that he throws me up against the wall, his rock-hard body pressed against mine. “What the fuck were you thinking coming here?”

I scoff and shove him hard, and I’m surprised to find he actually takes a step back, allowing me space to come back at him. “Me? Get fucked, Zade. You knew I was the fucking heir of Empire and you didn’t say a damn thing.”

He laughs. “Why the hell would I say anything?” he questions. “Thirty fucking days and it’s all mine.”
