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“Sorry, I thought I said. It belongs to Vinny’s LLC, but don’t worry, we’re not going inside.”

Fuck. I should’ve guessed.Weapon out, I follow her to a fenced-off area next to a loading dock. When we get close, she pulls a lockpick from her purse. After a few minutes, the padlock clicks and the hinge swings open.

While she studies a few remaining trees, I place my palms on the cement platform and jump up. Leaning over, I pull up on the accordion door’s handle and almost fall on my ass when it lifts halfway. About to straighten, a fresh bullet hole catches my eye, so I squat, grab my boot knife, and dig out the slug. As I’m stuffing it in my pocket, feet shuffle inside the building and a pistol clicks.

Fuck.“Babe. To the car. Now.” I dive on my wife, roll, and covering her fully, aim toward the opening.

Chapter 9


On my stomach, crushed under Suds’ heavy body, I free my arm, and pocket a small silver tag near my nose. The clue safely stashed, I squirm to unholster my weapon.Once my finger finds the trigger, I aim my pistol at the half-open warehouse door.

“Did you see the shooter?”

Suds grunts. “No. Get to the SUV. I’ll provide cover. One, two… Go!”

The second he rolls off, I dash to the car while he discharges his revolver in the direction of the gunfire.

“Now you.” Heart thumping, I hide behind the driver’s side door and fire repeatedly, until he makes it to the passenger seat.

Now behind the wheel, adrenaline races through my veins. I stomp down on the gas pedal and glance in the rear-view mirror. Not until I’m certain no one’s following, do I pull over and call nine-one-one. My father’s dark sedan is one of the first to arrive on scene and surprised to see him respond to a call, I run toward the rolled down window.

“Dad? What’re you doing here?”

“The dispatcher said my daughter’s in trouble again. Are you alright?” He glares out at my spouse who glowers back.

Like I would for Chloe and Catrina, I step between the two men to keep them from biting each other. “Relax. We’re fine.”

“God damn it, Samantha, what the fuck? You know better than to snoop around Vinny’s warehouse.” It’s never a good sign when my old man rolls his eyes and slaps his hand to his forehead, so I try to make light of the situation.

“I wasn’t snooping, per se. Sebastian and I were… shopping for a Christmas tree.”

“And following up on a lead.” Trying to help, my husband pipes up but my dad ignores both of us.

With each word spoken, he pokes the tip of my nose. “Only you could attract trouble buying a damned holiday shrubbery.”

The accusation may be true, but unwarranted. “We’re researching a cutoff middle finger.”

“So what? You wanted to give it back?” He takes out his phone, glances down, then turns to Suds. “Do not let her move from that spot. I’ll be right back after I check out this cluster-fuck.”

Once he returns from speaking to the beat cops, I cross my arms and pout. “Don’t you want to learn moreabout our case?”

“Was anyone murdered?” Brows raised, he juts out his square chin.

“Possibly…”At this point, it’d be in my best interest to play my cards closer to the vest.

Shaking his head, my police chief father scowls back at my husband. “My daughter’dbe working for the FBI behind a desk where she belongs, if it weren’t for you,gabeesh?”

“Yes sir, I understand completely.” My partner may want to keep the family peace, but I’m done being nice.

“Dad, just stop it. I’m not a child.Suds and Samis investigating a possible missing person’s case.”

“You don’t say? Were any reports filed?” His fierce glare makes me cringe, but I don’t back down.

“Not yet. Clearly, we’re on to something.” At my admission, his face reddens to a shade deeper than Santa’s hat.

“Well, most people don’t shoot other people over fucking Christmas trees.”

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