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“Hah, I’ll believe it when I see it.” As my go-to lawyer chuckles, I point to his wife, on stage.

“What about you two? Any storks in your future?”

Staring at his lovely Sienna under the spotlight, his eyes soften. “Well, I can hint an announcement may be coming soon.”

“Let me be the first to almost congratulate you.” After a handshake, I listen for a while with my danger magnet on my lap.

During a break, new-guy flirts with the singer and Andy goes ape-shit. “Who the fuck is that?”

After a shrill whistle through my teeth and a motion with my thumb, the man nods, raises his drink, and walks away.

I share a quick glance with my wife then raise my brows at the man who never loses his cool. “Goes by Patch. Recently hired. Nerves of steel. Haven’t had a chance to talk to him much but I’m sure he doesn’t know she’s married.”

Jack, one of the first Patten men, sits on the attorney’s other side. “This place sure has memories.”

With Don Juan on the other side of the room, Andy relaxes back to his old self, and grins at the bodyguard. “Do you know, when we first met, he was working for my brother, CJ Quinn?”

“The football player?” My eyes bug out. I never heard this story.

“Yes. My baby bro is a coach now. After a series of head injuries, he quit and married his physical therapist. They made a couple of kids and live in North Carolina, not far from me.”

When the vocalist starts her next set, the whole party squeezes into the downstairs where we drink and sing until closing.

About to leave, I add my tip to the jar, and thank the owner. “Best damn nondenominational holiday party ever.”

Chapter 27


“Hurry. Wake up, Mommy. Santa came.”As Mikey knocks multiple times on our bedroom door, I groan. After a month of morning sickness, murder, Russian thugs and Chinese dragons, I’m ready to put an end to this joyous season.

“Wait a second, honey.”Glancing at my phone, I nudge my sound-asleep hubby.“Hey tough guy, Merry Christmas.”

“Whattime is it?”My spouse turns, opens his eyes, and after we kiss, I show him my screen.

“Michael Sutcliff, it’s only four AM, buddy. Go back to bed.”

“C’mon, Daddy.”Our son shouts are joined by Catrina in a similar chorus of yowls.

“Alright, I’m coming.”Santa-baby is gloriously naked, and my penny-auction teddy is likewise, inappropriate for children.

After we both dress in comfortable sweats, I open the door, hug my precious boy, and once again thank God, we found him unharmed.

While I make coffee and feed the cat, Mikey sits on his dad’s lap. Together, they discover all the small presents I stuffed into a long red stocking. Yawning, I sip on decaf, put a mug of high-test beside Sebastian, and sit next to my men on the soft arm of the comfy chair.

“Mommy, which ones are mine?”Eyes like saucers, my son stares at the packages under the tree.

“Look for any with your name on them inblue letters”. We made giant labels so Mike could find them himself.

Funny how it takes hours to wrap the presents and only minutes to undo all the work. The one he likes best is the toy from his Uncle Joey.My First Auto Shopcomes with over one b’zillion tiny parts and if you loseone, the engine won’t start.

Perfect.Now I'm considering giving Kimmy a drum set for her birthday.

As our little gear monkey disassembles his motor, Suds hands me my gift.“Hereyou go, sweetheart.”

My curiosity piqued, I shake the box and something small clunks at the bottom.“What is it?”

“Wahl, you should open it.”My SEAL's mysterious grin means it can’t be perfume or earrings.
