Page 108 of Kissed By Her

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Yeah, things were going to be fine.

* * *

It suckedwhen I had to take the twins to Sadie’s house, but if things worked out, Sadie might end up moving back in and then I wouldn’t have to bounce the kids back and forth and I could make Honor take make-out breaks with me in the guest room all the time. And on her lunch breaks, we could sneak over to the guest house for a quickie.

After they talked and speculated about their parents, they wanted to know what had happened with Honor.

“Well, I met her sister and we went out to dinner and then back to her house and I asked her if she wanted to sleep over and she did.” That was the tamest version appropriate for younger ears. Sure, the twins had had “the talk” with their parents and several of their friends and classmates were dating, or had their periods, so they weren’t complete strangers to the things that adults did with each other.

“Did you have a pillow fight?” Riley asked me as we put together our antipasto plate for lunch with what we had in the fridge. It wasn’t authentic, but that didn’t really matter. It was the spirit of the thing.

“Sort of,” I said. Putting a pillow under Honor to make a better angle for me to tongue fuck her counted, right?

“We had brownies,” I said, changing the topic to something more innocent.

“Can we have brownies?” Riley said, her eyes lighting up.

“I want brownies!” Zoey said. “Please?”

There just happened to be two boxes of different brands of mix in the cabinet that I must have bought at some point, so I agreed that could be our afternoon activity. We’d bake two batches and do a taste test to see which brand was better. The twins loved doing things like that.

“Are you going to marry Honor?” Riley asked as I rolled up little slivers of turkey to set them on the tray.

“We just started dating. It’s a little too early to think about that,” I said, even though an image of Honor in a white dress flitted through my brain.

“But you love her, right?” Zoey asked, her face a mask of concentration as she arranged little balls of mozzarella that kept rolling on the plate we were using.

“I…” I said, trailing off and staring. “I think I do.”

“You either love someone or you don’t. There’s no halfway,” Zoey said, with all the wisdom of her eleven years.

Honor. The beautiful, difficult, frustrating, funny, adorable woman that I couldn’t stop thinking about. The woman that had infiltrated my book club and my life and then my bed and my heart.

I wouldn’t make slutty apology brownies for just anyone. I’d only make them for her.

There had been times last night, when one or both of us had dozed off. Sometimes I’d wake up and see her in my bed and sink into the feeling of how right it was. How wonderful it felt to have her there. I let myself entertain little fantasies about me making her coffee before we walked over to the house together. We’d hang by the pool on the weekends and join Joy and Sydney for dinner out and book club every month. She’d go to the farmers’ market if I was busy with the twins and I’d set out an extra plate for her to eat with the family when she worked late. We’d eat brownies in bed and argue about what to watch and I’d miss her when she went on business trips with Mark.

And someday, if I stopped being a nanny, she and I could get a place of our own. A nice place that didn’t have anything to do with chickens. I’d find a new job and kiss her before she left each morning and welcome her home when she came back. Lark might stay with us on her summer breaks, and Liam would come over when he didn’t want to cook, hopefully bringing Gwen.

Honor was what I wanted. Having her in my life in every way was what I wanted.

“You’re right,” I said to Zoey, putting my arm around her. “I do love her. But she doesn’t know yet, so I need you to keep it a secret for right now. I’ll let you know when I tell her, but she should hear it from me, right?” I asked.

“Right,” Zoey said, and Riley nodded.

“If you get married, can we be in the wedding?” Riley asked.

“Of course. I have to have my best girls in my wedding,” I said. “But don’t start planning it yet.”

“It’s okay. We’re planning Mom and Dad’s wedding first,” Riley said.

I sighed and lectured them, again, that they shouldn’t count their chickens before they’d hatched.

* * *

I founda surprise when I got home from Sadie’s and went over to the main house to work on dinner. There was a note from Mark that he had gone out to have dinner with Sadie and that I was off the hook.

I did some cleaning and then wandered back over to the guest house. I almost screamed when I realized someone was already there.
