Page 30 of Kissed By Her

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Chapter Seven

“I’m home,”I said as I walked into the guest house. I was greeted with silence. Ugh.

I dumped my laundry in the washer and turned it on and texted Liam that I’d made it back home in one piece.

He had been pretty tight-lipped about his date, but I knew that it had gone well, since they were going out next week on Thursday to see a local band. So far, so good. If things kept up, I definitely was going to pester him to meet her. Since our parents weren’t involved in our lives, he needed someone from his family to give their stamp of approval on his choice of dating partner.

The twins weren’t coming home until late Sunday night, so I had hours to kill, and I was bored out of my mind after only a few minutes. Not even any of my books could hold my attention. It was like I had an itch I couldn’t reach.

At last, I got a text from the twins that they were almost here. Sadie had picked them up from camp so she could have the drive with them before she dropped them off with their dad.

By the time Sadie’s car pulled into the driveway, I was vibrating with excitement.

I threw myself out of the guest house and across the yard to where they were getting out of the car.

Mark got to hug them first, as was right, but they threw themselves at me and I breathed a sigh of relief that they were in one piece.

“Did you have a good time?” I asked, looking at both of their faces. “Looks like the camp wasn’t really good on sunscreen.” They were both tanner than they’d been when they’d left, and they both had peeling skin on their noses.

“I’ve already read them the riot act,” Sadie said as she pulled one of their bags out of the car. Mark rushed over to take it from her and I watched as their eyes locked and they shared what can only be described as a moment.

I cleared my throat and ushered the twins inside, giving Sadie and Mark some time.

There might be hope for them yet.

“I know you’re tired, but can you give me the highlights?” I asked the twins as we sat down on the couch.

“We caught two of the counselors hooking up, but we didn’t say anything,” Riley said.

“Oh,” I said. “Um, let’s shelve that one for now. Did you have fun?”

Did they ever. From swimming to horseback riding to learning how to row a canoe, they’d done it all and had the bug bites and bruises to prove it.

Mark came in a few minutes later and we all craned our necks to watch him.

He had the girl’s bags slung over his shoulder. “Did you pick up rocks and bring them home?”

“No,” both girls said at the same time.

“Yeah, that’s not suspicious,” I said, giving Mark a look. He narrowed his eyes before taking the bags upstairs.

“Okay, now that your dad is gone, did you get into any trouble?” I asked.

They rolled their eyes at the exact same time. “We know that you’d tell Dad. And we didn’t do anything bad.”

“Yeah? No switching clothes and names and pretending to be each other?” One of the reasons I thought that they kept the same haircut was so they could play pranks. Too bad for them that both I and their parents could tell them apart without even trying. There were the tiniest subtle differences that they couldn’t pull off. Cute that they tried though.

“Okay, we did it for an afternoon. It was fun,” Riley said, smiling.

“I won’t tell. And since you didn’t get sent home from camp early, I’m assuming you didn’t get kicked out.”

“We were good!” Zoey said, and I gave her a hug.

I laughed and hugged them both again.

“How was your vacation?” Riley finally asked. I told them everything appropriate for eleven-year-old ears, and gave them their presents, which they absolutely loved.

“We brought you something from camp too,” Riley said, jumping up and heading upstairs.
