Page 55 of Kissed By Her

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“Now you owe me brownies. I expect them this week sometime,” I said.

Honor gave me a smile that made my stomach drop to my feet and my hands go numb.

“How about Friday night? That seemed to work for us last time.”

“Deal,” she said. “I should get back to work.”

“Hopefully with 100 percent less spiders.”

She threw a smile over her shoulder. “Here’s hoping.”

* * *

The twins gotin big trouble that night, got their allowance taken away, and were sent to their room to consider what they’d done. Mark was also going to check their room to search out any other prank materials.

I went upstairs to deliver their dinner and handed the tray over.

“You’ve got to leave Honor alone. Getting your parents together is one thing, but these pranks have to stop. Do you have anything else?”

They both shook their heads.

“We got rid of everything,” Riley said, pointing to the trash can. I glanced in there and found several fake snakes, fart items, fake bugs, and a bunch of other things.

“Did you buy out a prank store?” I asked.

“We got a kit when we were at camp,” Riley said.

I groaned and picked up the trash can so I could empty it into the main trash so they couldn’t fish anything out.

“Can we keep the fake blood?” Zoey asked.

“Absolutely not,” I said and shut the door behind me.

* * *

The restof the week dragged, and I definitely got up early on Friday to make sure my house was clean and that I had everything I needed. This time I was going to make brownies and kick things up a notch by topping them with ice cream.

“Good morning,” Honor said when she came through the door. The twins were sitting at the counter eating their breakfast. They both looked up and mumbled “good morning.”

“Good morning,” I said, making up my own plate. “Bacon?”

“No, thank you,” she said and gave me a little nod before she headed to the office.

I turned back to find the twins staring at me.

“What? Do I have something on my face?”

They looked at each other and then gave me identical smirks.

“Nothing,” they chimed in unison.

* * *

The girls hadanother sleepover this weekend, but it wasn’t starting until Saturday afternoon, and it was a smaller group this time, thank goodness. Just three girls were going to be coming over, so it was a lot easier to manage.

The whole day on Friday I kept watching the clock. Riley and Zoey had spent much of the day in the pool, which gave me time to clean and get other shit done.

They had cold sandwiches for lunch and then hit the showers before sitting down to watch some show they’d recently gotten obsessed with. It had cartoon vampires or something and was actually pretty good. They’d also gotten into graphic novels, so they’d begged me to take them to the library to get more since they blew through them so fast.
