Page 95 of Kissed By Her

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Honor didn’t answer and started attacking the buttons.

“They’re not real,” I said. “They’re just for decoration.”

“I take it back,” she said, sitting up. “Ihatethis dress.”

“If you hate it that much, I should probably take it off,” I said, pushing myself up so I could pull the straps off my shoulders and yank the top of the dress to my waist.

“Better?” I asked as I revealed my favorite black lace bra to her.

“Oh yes,” she said, running her finger down one strap. “I’m trying to remember that my sister is right out on the porch and could walk in at any moment, but I really, really want to see you naked.”

This was a change from what she’d said the other day.

“You’re ready to see me naked?” I asked and Honor stared at me.

“Yes, I am absolutely ready to see you naked.”

“Just to clarify, will you be naked as well?” I didn’t want to be the only one.

“I think I could make that happen,” she said and then frowned as I pulled my dress back up.

“Then let’s go somewhere where your sister can’t walk in. Come back to my place with me. There are zero chickens.”

Honor looked down at me and smiled slowly. “No chickens is definitely a plus.”

* * *

Honorand I somehow got ourselves together and she tossed some stuff in a bag and we headed out. I could barely walk, I was so fucking horny.

“I’m staying at Layne’s. Don’t burn the house down,” Honor said to Lark.

“You got it,” she said, raising her wine glass in our direction.

Honor put her bag in the car and then got in the driver’s seat.

“You’re not worried about Mark seeing your car parked in the driveway?” I asked.

“Fuck it,” she said, and I almost gasped at how forceful she sounded. “Fuck it. Fuck everything. I’m tired of not doing the things I want.”

“Fuck me, please,” I said, and she turned to give me a heated look.

“I plan on it.”

* * *

The drive hometook three thousand times longer than it should have and I literally had my legs squeezed together the whole time and clenched my hands together so I didn’t touch myself.

By the time Honor parked the car, I was actually shaking.

“Let’s go,” I said and threw myself out of the car. Honor grabbed her bag and we rushed into the house. She slammed the door and then pushed me up against it, dropping her bag with a bang on the floor.

“No chickens,” I said.

“No chickens,” she said and then she kissed me so hard that she might have drawn blood. I didn’t care. She could bite me as much as she wanted to. Go vampire, I didn’t care. As long as she didn’t stop.

Honor’s hands yanked at my dress and I decided it was time to finally lose it.

I kicked off my shoes and then reached down to pull the dress over my head.
