Page 35 of Tempted By Her

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Clenching my teeth, I set my mug and the remote down.

“What the fuck is up with you?” I could just picture Joy admonishing me for being so blunt with Lark, but I knew she could take it.

Her eyes went wide.

“Nothing,” she said.

I rolled my eyes. “Okay, so you’ve been almost completely silent for hours because of nothing, sure.”

Lark sighed. “Leave me alone.”

“Fine,” I said. If that was what she wanted, I’d leave her alone.

The only problem was, I didn’t want to leave her alone. I wanted to do the opposite of that. I wanted to crawl in her lap and kiss her senseless. I wanted to touch and taste every single inch of her. I wanted to strip her naked and worship her body for hours.

Instead of doing any of those things, I sat on the couch and drank my fucking tea and didn’t touch her. I selected a movie at random and put it on. Lark didn’t object.

She’d curled up in a corner of the couch, as if she was trying to get as far away from me as she could, while still being on the couch.

Deciding to be kind of an asshole, I stretched my legs out, taking up as much room as possible. My legs rested next to her as I slouched down until I was covering the whole surface, except for the corner she occupied.

She made a huffing sound and glared at me.

“Do you mind?” she asked.

“No, I’m very comfortable,” I said, wiggling into the cushions and giving her a smile.

Lark rolled her eyes and turned back to the screen, but I could tell she was uncomfortable.

She tried to shift, but there wasn’t really any room for her, and she couldn’t move without touching me.

I let out what I hoped sounded like a contented sigh.

“This couch issocozy,” I said.

Lark looked at me through narrowed eyes. “I know you’re trying to piss me off.”

“Is it working?” I asked. I’d take pissed off over nothing. I’d take pissed off over indifference.

Lark looked up at the ceiling. “What do you want from me, Sydney?”

She never called me Syd. Always my full name.

“I don’t want anything from you,” I said.

She scoffed and glanced back at me. “You’re trying to annoy me so I’ll talk to you. Something a toddler does to get their parent’s attention.”

“Yes, but it’s working, so maybe the toddlers have the right idea.”

I nudged her with my foot. I knew I was being a little bit of an asshole, but that wasn’t unusual for me. I kept pushing her and waiting to see how she’d react.

“Stop it,” she said, shoving at my feet until they fell off the couch. Unfortunately, she shoved so hard that the rest of my body followed, and I ended up in a heap on the floor. Thankfully, Joy had fallen in love with a very plush rug and I’d gotten to keep it when she moved out, so I didn’t have any major injuries.

“Shit,” I said, looking up at Lark from the floor. She had a smirk on her face as she unfurled her body and stretched out like I’d been doing.

“Ahhh,” she said. “This couchiscomfortable.”

I leaned on the edge of the couch and looked up at her. “Now who’s being annoying?”
