Page 82 of A Chance at Forever

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I called Mark, but he didn’t pick up. I left a message, relaying everything, but I wasn’t sure what to do if he didn’t listen to the message or was avoiding my calls.

“You could go to Mark’s,” Ellie said at the same time I said, “We should call the police.”

“I’ll drive. You call,” Ellie said, already on her way back to the car.

After I’d called the dispatcher and relayed our information, Ellie said, “I’m surprised this never happened when we were young,”

“Mom dying young. Dad raising five girls. It was almost inevitable,” I said, despite the turmoil in my stomach.

“You kept us together. When I got pregnant, it felt like my entire world was upended, but you kept me grounded. You said you’d be there for me. I knew whatever I decided I’d be loved and cared for. My baby would be, too. We were so lucky to have you as our big sister.”

“You’re going to make me cry.” I blinked away the sting of tears, knowing I needed to keep my wits about me until the kids were found.

“We’re going to get through this. I have a feeling they’re hiding out somewhere, but wherever they are, they’re safe.”

“I hope you’re right.” We pulled up to the curb of Mark’s house, where police officers milled about.

I unbuckled and opened the door before Ellie had come to a full stop. Colton was taking long strides to reach us. Mark was close behind.

“You think Drew and Kendall are together?” Colton barked, and I tried to block out the heavy weight of Mark’s gaze on my face.

“Kendall said Drew was her only friend here.”

“Drew should be home, but he’s not. He’s never disappeared like this before,” Ellie said, her voice breaking.

I’d been so focused on Kendall being missing, I hadn’t stopped to consider that Drew was, too, and that this was just as scary for Ellie. I wrapped an arm around her.

“You don’t think she went home to Indiana?” Colton asked Mark.

“I don’t know how she’d get the money to leave, and her mother isn’t there. So, it’s more likely she sought out someone she was close to here,” Mark said.

“We’re still checking the bus tickets and airlines to see if she’s listed anywhere,” Colton said.

“If she’d provide her own name,” Mark said.

“A minor traveling without a guardian and any identifying paperwork would be a red flag,” Colton said.

Mark’s face was drawn, his hair mussed as if he’d run his fingers through it a million times since he’d gotten my call. I wanted to say I was sorry, but it wasn’t the time. “I called her mother. She’s on her way.”

My stomach dropped. It was the right thing to do, but I couldn’t help but wonder what it meant for me. For us. I took a deep breath. The important thing was finding Kendall and Drew safe.

“You should be at your house in case they go there,” Colton said to Ellie. “I’ll send a deputy to follow you.”

Ellie didn’t argue, just hugged me and murmured, “They’ll be okay.”

The question was, would I?

I watched Ellie get into her car and pull away.

“I’ll head to the bakery in case they show up there.”

Colton gave me a pointed look. “Mark said that was one of her favorite places.”

Warmth spread through me that Mark acknowledged that.

“Is there anywhere else you think they could be?” Colton asked.

“We checked with my dad and Ellie’s house; I can’t think of anywhere else. She wouldn’t go to your parents’, would she?” I asked Mark.

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