Page 155 of The Book of Kings

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But my attempt to save Bea backfired and just a few minutes after I had interrupted theirmoment,she decided to fuck things up for me.

‘I think you’ve done enough killing,’ she said as an involuntary response to my suggestion to kill the Governor as a last resort.

And she sure got Ferris’s curiosity. ‘What is she talking about?’

The fucking Pandora’s box had been opened. I just hoped she could handle the consequences.

‘Will you tell him how we met? Or will I?’ I asked, locking eyes with hers to let her know how much trouble was she really into.

‘I....I-,’ she had no idea what to answer, realizing that big mouth of hers had spoken ahead of her brain.

However, it was too late for feeling sorry. She was about to pay for her actions.

‘Come,’ I signaled her to join me, preparing myself to tell a story I would have preferred to have kept to myself. At least until I would consider Ferris would be stable enough to handle it.

That ship had definitely sailed. ‘I did it, Ferris. I paid my debt. I killed Benjamin, the man that murdered your parents.’ I would have preferred telling him with some initial preparation, anticipating his reaction.

The news made him freeze, and for a second I thought I saw a weird smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

‘I got the revenge for them.’ I continued, peering straight at him while almost crashing Bea against my chest. ‘And this fox was my cover for that night. Although I see she’s unable to keep her little mouth shut.’

The collision of our bodies made something reverberate within me. It wasn’t the pain, but something much deeper. Like a lit flame that was threatening to turn into a whole damn forest fire. ‘You really need to learn who is in charge here. You never know when to keep quiet and when to speak.’ My hand found her neck without me even realizing it, squeezing the flesh until she could barely breathe.

I owned her ass, not the other way around. So she had better learn when to keep that pretty mouth of hers shut.

Luckily for her, she got saved by her knight in shiny armor. ‘What the fuck did she do to you too?’ Cole just walked into the room.

His presence didn’t make me stop. On the contrary. ‘This mouth of hers is going to put her in an early grave someday,’ I groaned, still keeping my grip on her neck as if draining her lungs of air could make me breathe at ease.

I’d always had a connection with Cole. He seemed to know what I was thinking without even having to say it. That exact connection made him come over from behind her and replace that hand that I held around Bea’s neck with his own.

‘I can feel your heart beating so loudly that it turns me on,’ Cole seemed to be as set against her as I was.

‘What the fuck did she do to you?’ I asked, amused that I wasn’t the only one whom she was doing their heads in.

‘She told me I can choose whoever I want to replace her, and then she comes in here and almost throws a fucking tantrum... But don’t worry, Mouse. We only want you,’ Cole moved his lips over her neckline, underlying a truth I didn’t like admitting.

Wewanted her.

And that fucking pissed me off.

‘Let’s give her a little lesson in obedience,’ I muttered, letting Cole know that he should hold her in position.

I wasn’t sure if I was even mad at her, or just at myself, but I knew damn well who was going to pay for it. ‘You need to know who owns you and absolutely everything about you, including the stupid shit that comes out that mouth of yours.’ Making room beneath her skirt, I trailed my fingers to play on her inner thigh, letting her know exactly what was coming next.

‘Stop it,’ she cried out, like her whines could ever stop me. ‘It’s not funny, Brax.’

Whoever said it should be funny? It was tantalizingly arousing, fueling me with the sensation of being in control as my fingers moved further to play on her panties, straight over her folds.

‘I can do whatever I want with you, remember? We have a deal.’ A deal of which I was taking full advantage.

‘In your house, or a bedroom. Nothere!’ She complained in vain. We never established the deal would be valid only in specific places.

‘Here,’ I ground out as I drove my fingers to dance on her silken skin, in a game I was starting to adore.

‘Brax, please,’ she pleaded again, only reinforcing my domination over her body.

And as a response to my intrusion, I found myself gliding over the liquid signs of her arousal. ‘I’m starting to think you were waiting for us.’
