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The four shifters watch with rapt attention as my mate’s bear glares at them with his head lowered. His black lip curls up into a snarl and I can tell he’s ready to charge at them. He doesn’t like any threats around his mate.

I rush forward and put my hand on his big head. “It’s okay,” I whisper in a soothing tone. “I’m here now. I’m with you. There’s no need to get angry.”

He sniffs my neck and then licks my cheek. I can’t help but giggle. It tickles.

“No violence,” I whisper as I pet his head. “Stay with me. It will be okay.”

He looks back at the four shifters with a growl and then turns to me.

“Thank you,” I whisper as he stands beside me, cool and calm as can be.

“Ostie,” the Frenchman curses under his breath. “Another pussy whipped bear. What are da odds?”

Jackson is watching the bear closely, trying to decide what to do.

“We’ll keep tabs on him for the next couple of months,” he finally says.

My heart feels like it’s going to explode with happiness.

“If there’s one incident,” he continues. “And I mean anything, we’ll come take him out. You keep him on a short leash, got that?”

I nod. “Got it. You won’t have a problem again.”

He takes one last long look and then sighs. “I hope you’re right. Congratulations.”

“So, we’re free to go?” I ask.

He nods. “For now.”

“Come on,” I say as I grab my bear and guide him to the parking lot.

“Hey, cherie,” the Frenchman calls out. “Can you give us a ride into town?”

I turn to him with a grin. “Sorry, Frenchy. This ‘frustrating’ American woman doesn’t give rides to French assholes.”

He frowns and then turns away, shaking his head and muttering something in French.

The four Foxhounds reluctantly and begrudgingly walk back into the forest as we head in the opposite direction to the parking lot.

I hope that’s the last we see of them.

If it’s not, then next time, I’ll be a little faster with the trigger.



I thought the struggle was over with my bear, but now I’m not so sure.

He’s thrashing around inside and trying to claw his way out. I can feel his unstoppable anger ripping through me.

I’m in Layla’s shower after our big brawl. I push my forehead against the cold tiles and grit my teeth as I try to force him back down. He lets out a nasty growl as he paces around, waiting to try it again.

He’s furious that our mark is not on her and he wants to take matters into his own paws. I won’t fucking let him.

I release a breath and stand up straight. Shit. The tiles are cracked. I’ll have to swing by the hardware store and then replace them.

He charges forward again with a savage snarl and I stumble back into the shower stall as I wrestle with him. The impact sends the shampoo bottles flying and cracks four more tiles.

It also gets Layla’s attention.

“Everything okay in there?” her soft voice says on the other side of the door.

I glance at myself in the mirror and hate my bear all over again. I look like a monster. My body is swollen to almost double its size. Long brown hair is sprouting out of my shoulders, my eyes are a bright golden color, and my teeth have morphed into huge canines that are pushing out against my lips. I’m a beast. I’m stuck in mid-phase as I battle with this feral beast.

“Don’t come in!” I say in a deep monstrous voice.

I don’t want Layla to see me like this. She’ll take one look at my freakish body and I’ll never see her again.

My bear makes another break for the surface, snarling and gnashing his teeth as he charges up. “Enough!” I growl as I thrash around in the shower, cracking more tiles as I grapple with him, trying to prevent him from bursting out of me.

“I’m coming in,” Layla says as the door handle starts turning.

“No!” I roar in an inhuman voice that I don’t even recognize.

She gasps when she sees me in her shower, looking like something out of Greek mythology or a horror movie.

I turn away in shame. I’m expecting her to run—and I wouldn’t blame her—but she rushes over and walks right into the shower with me.

“What is it?” she whispers as she runs her hand down my heinous face. “What’s happening?”

I can’t even look at her. How do I deserve her? Why can’t she be mated to someone better than me?

“My bear…” I growl. “He’s… trying to get out.”

“Everything’s okay,” she whispers as the hot water wets her hair. The poor girl is fully clothed and almost completely drenched.

She whispers sweet words to my bear and I can feel him calming a little. He’s still got that vicious edge, but at least he’s not charging the surface every two seconds.
