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“Lady!” the man in the back snaps. “Turn around and walk away. This doesn’t concern you.”

I clench my jaw as I aim the shotgun at his forehead.

“I’m not going anywhere,” I hiss. “Now, back away or I’ll start shooting. Three, two—“

“Okay, okay!” he says as he slowly raises his arms and backs away.

I guess he can see the seriousness and determination in my eyes. He knows I’m not bluffing.

“All of you,” I say as I swing the gun around, aiming at one man then another. “Back the fuck off.”

They’re all cursing at me under their breath, but they listen and get up. It’s all dirty looks and frustrated mumbling as they back away.

The Kodiak struggles to get up. He’s bleeding pretty heavily and I think he’s lost a lot of blood.

My mind is racing for options. How do you help an injured bear? It’s not like I can wrap a leash around his neck, bring him into my car, and drive him to a veterinarian’s office.

He’ll probably die in the forest, but at least he can die with dignity and not with these four freaks doing unspeakable acts to him.

My eyes water from thinking about him wandering off into the forest hurt and alone. I don’t want him to be alone. I don’t want him to die.

I glance at the bear and my breath lodges in my throat when our eyes meet. They’re so beautiful. These big brown eyes staring at me like he can’t look away.

I can feel the possession in them. He’s watching me like I’m his. Like I’m his territory.

The angry side of him seems to be gone as he stares at me in shock. It’s unnerving being so close to such an enormous wild animal and having them stare at you in awe. It’s not something I’ve ever experienced before.

Actually, none of this odd scenario is something I’ve experienced before.

“Back up,” I say when one of the guys tries to sneak toward me. I point the gun at his chest and narrow my eyes. “Don’t try me. I fucking hate animal abusers and won’t hesitate to take any out.”

He rolls his eyes.

“Get back on those bikes,” I say as my heart pounds. “And get the fuck out of here. If I see you again, I’ll kill you. Understand? This is your only warning. You’re not getting another one. I see you, I pull the trigger. Got it?”

They all glance at Jackson, awaiting his orders.

“You heard the lady,” he says with a sigh. “Let’s leave them in peace.”

“You can’t be serious,” the Frenchman says with his round shoulders dropping. “We finally caught him.”

“And we’ll catch him again,” Jackson says as he climbs onto his dirt bike. “Unless you want to get shot by the pretty lady?”

The Frenchman narrows his eyes on me. I narrow mine back at him.

After a long tense moment, he huffs out a breath, sneers at me, and then gives up and climbs onto his dirt bike.

“Fine,” he says. “But dis is not over.”

The roar of four engines bellows through the forest as they start their bikes and reluctantly drive away in the direction they came.

I keep my gun trained on them until they disappear into the forest and the rumbling becomes a dull muted sound.

I don’t know what they want with this poor bear, but I don’t think this is the end of it. They’ll be back and unfortunately, I won’t be around to protect him.

My heart breaks as I lower the gun and look at him.

The Kodiak is still watching me. I feel a warmth flooding through my body with that soft gaze locked on me.

“Are you going to be okay?” I whisper as I see the blood trickling down his leg. It’s no longer pouring out, but I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not. Either the wound is not as bad as I feared or he’s lost so much blood already that there’s not much left.

“I wish I could help you,” I say as a tear slides down my cheek. “I don’t know what to do.”

The bear slowly lumbers over, wincing with every step of his back leg.

My body freezes, but I don’t feel any fear. I don’t see any aggression on his face. No anger in his eyes.

I lower the gun and reach out my hand, showing him my palm as he approaches. “It’s okay,” I whisper as he sniffs it. The hot air tickles my skin. “I won’t hurt you.”

My heart is pounding as he comes right up to me, sniffing me all over as those sad beautiful brown eyes watch me.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper as a heaviness settles in my chest. “You deserve better than this.”

I slowly reach out and when he doesn’t back away, I pet his neck. His fur is thick and coarse, but the deeper you sink your hand into it, the softer and fluffier it gets. He lets out a low rumbling as I scratch his skin. “You like that?” I say with a smile.
