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“Well, for what it’s worth, I’m glad you came back.”

That shifted my melancholy, and I arched an eyebrow at her. “You are?”

“Sure I am. How else was I ever going to hold my concert here? Old Soren would never have allowed it… so you’re already better than he is.”

I leaned my arm along the back of the couch, and carefully pressed closer to her. The hitch in her breathing and the way her creamy cleavage rose faster and faster, told me she was aware of my intentions.

“I feel like that’s a pretty low bar to clear, but I’ll take it. Though, I feel like right now is a good time to remind you that my acceptance wasn’t without strings. If you hadn’t agreed to the dates, I never would have let all these people march through here, all day, every day.”

Charlie grinned at me, her knowing eyes moving between my eyes and my lips. “You know what, I don’t believe you. I think you’re all bark and no bite. I think you would have let me hold the concert here, because secretly, somewhere deep inside, you don’t mind raising money for Sunshine Home.”

I shook my head gently. “I could let you think that, but it wouldn’t be true. I’m a cold-hearted bastard, Charlie, and nothing can change that now.”

I was close, leaning in little by little, as she shifted her body back into the huge, soft cushions on the sofa. Her breath caressed my lips, as she laughed softly.

“Oh, Lars Nielson, I don’t think you know yourself very well at all.”

“Hmm, maybe not. I’d like to get to know you, though… I’d like to get to know you in all the ways I can.”

Charlie smiled, her lips nearly brushing mine now. “I’d like to get to know you more too,” she admitted, all in a rush.

Those soft words hit me hard in the chest. The feeling of satisfaction and relief that filled me was how I was supposed to feel earlier, when on the phone with Phil. I hadn’t felt then, even a whisper of the victory that filled my veins now. This is what getting what you want was supposed to feel like.

“I’m going to take my contractually promised kiss now,” I murmured, my lips brushing hers with every word. I felt her smile against my mouth, and my heart beat uncomfortably hard in my chest.

“Not if I do it first,” she murmured, and leaned up and kissed me hard. Her touch was tentative like she wasn’t sure she was doing it right. Her hands clutched at my shirt, holding me close, and I let her kiss me with all her sweet innocence for a full minute, my heart flip-flopping in my chest, until I couldn’t stand it one more second, and took control.



My shy kiss turned molten as Lars recovered from the shock of my forwardness and pressed me into the couch, taking charge. His tongue slid inside my mouth, stroking along mine, and his teeth nibbled on my lower lip, a soft growl leaving him as he rocked his hips against me.

“Fuck, Charlie, you’re killing me,” he muttered against my lips and moved his lips down my neck. His tongue reached my collarbones, and he slid along them, the drag of his stubble making my flesh tingle.

“Should we stop? That sounds like a bad thing,” I muttered, my brain getting swampy with desire.

“It’s not,” he murmured, looking up from his feasting on my chest, and hitting me with a look so full of hungry it was like a caress. “It’s unexpected though. It’s a first for me,” he admitted, and then, like he hadn’t just shaken my world with those simple words, turned his attention back to my cleavage.

With a quick tug, my black velvet cross-over neckline parted, and my half-cup bra came into sight. I should have felt embarrassed, it was the very first time someone other than Lily had seen me in my bra, and the man in question was a world-famous rockstar, and yet, I didn’t. It was the look in Lars's eyes, I decided, that was stopping me from feeling self-conscious. There wasn’t any room for misinterpretation in his heated look. This man wanted me, and I wanted him back, just as much.

He slid his thumb under the half-cup lace, pulling it down just enough for my nipple to pop free. The cool air had barely hit it when his hot mouth enveloped it, his tongue brushing over the bud until it stiffened and I cried out, holding his head to me. Arching my back, I squirmed closer, rubbing my lower body against his. He was wedged between my thighs just right, and his hard-on, pressing against the rough denim of his jeans, was hitting me perfectly, and I knew I could come like that. Would that be too pathetic? To come rubbing myself against Lars, both of us still fully clothed? He wasn’t even in the perfect position, now he'd moved down me a little, and I was still going to come, that was how desperate and needy I was for his touch.

“No, sweetheart, it wouldn’t be,” Lars muttered, and I realized I’d spoken out loud in the haze of lust filling my head. “And it’s not a choice at this point, Charlie, it’s happening.”

He rotated his hips harder against me, at the same time he leaned up on one arm, and tugged my entire bra down my ribs, so both my breasts popped free of their bounds.

“Fucking beautiful,” he muttered, staring hard at my rosy peaks, before moving his mouth to the untouched one. I wriggled against him, pleasure washing through me. All of it was hot. The masculine scent of him, his weight bearing me down, his rough, demanding voice, and the carnal, ruthless nudge of his hips, rocking against my core. He was bringing me so close, the impending crash was spiraling toward me, and I knew he was right, there was no stopping it. A few more seconds and I was going to come.

“In fact, I’ve changed my mind. I want to taste you when you come,” Lars suddenly said, working his way back up to my mouth and kissing me hard. He was right back where I wanted him, and as he thrust against me, right up and down my soaked panties, through the thin velvet of my dress, the dam inside me broke. I came hard, my entire body twitching and clit pulsing hard. My empty core clenched around nothing, and I wanted nothing more than for him to be inside me, but instead, I came and came just from the pressure of his jean-clad crotch.

He leaned up to watch me, his dark eyes taking in every expression that passed over my face as I came. I felt laid bare and vulnerable as hell as pleasure washed through me in waves, and he watched them break against me.

“Naughty girl, you didn’t wait for me, did you? You’re coming hard without me,” he nearly growled, but the tilt to his lips told me how much he was enjoying tearing me apart with pleasure so effortlessly. “I’ll have to punish you for that.”

My breath hitched, and the last pulse of feeling ebbed and I sank into the couch, boneless. “How are you planning on that?”

“Let’s get naked and I’ll show you,” he said, his deep voice making me shiver all over. The fire was warm against the side of my face, and I felt floaty and untethered from reality, as he leaned back toward me, and kissed me tenderly. “Maybe I can forgive you, though, seeing as that was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
