Page 17 of Undercover Agent

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He could barely focus, knowing Mia was in the next room.

He turned the water off and got out, grabbing a towel to dry himself off.

When he walked out into the living room, Mia was sitting on the sofa, still in just her panties, reading a book.

She lifted her arm to turn a page, revealing one of her perfect breasts, the nipple firm. It was enough to make him hard instantly.

But instead of going to her like he wanted, Lorenzo resisted. He was falling too hard, he could feel it. And he couldn’t let himself do it.

Mia had come out of nowhere, and he wasn’t sure if he could trust her. He’d pushed plenty of women away in the past by testing them, but what choice did he have? He wasn’t just anybody. His life was dangerous. Being in his life was dangerous.

Natalie was always there, in the back of his mind. The way she’d been murdered by her own family and so cruelly dumped on his doorstep… he had to be careful who he got involved with. He had to be careful never to get too close.

He stared at Mia. There was something different about her. She didn’t flinch when he showed his violent side. She didn’t push him into being more open or vulnerable. If anything, he found himself on the other side—wantingherto be more open and vulnerable.

Mia looked up at him and smiled. He melted a bit, but he stayed strong.

“Get dressed,” he said.“We’re going out.”


Lorenzo pulled the car up outside a dark, old warehouse. He watched Mia take it in—her face was unreadable.

He got out of the car, and Mia followed.

“What is this place?” She asked.

“Come inside.”

Lorenzo led her through a side door into the main warehouse. The only light was from the middle of the room.

There, under a green-tinged spotlight, was a man tied to a chair.

Not just any man—Special Agent Mick Carmichael, DEA, about 30, good looking. He was gagged, bound, and very beat up.

Surrounding him were five of the Rossi crew, including Alessandro.

Lorenzo pulled Mia out into the light. The crew looked over, saw it was Lorenzo.

“You’re here, big brother,” Alessandro said.“We’ve been keeping him alive for you.”

Lorenzo glanced at Mia—she was more readable now. Scared. Unsure of what was going on. That was to be expected.

Alessandro clapped Lorenzo on the back.“What took you so long?”

He noticed Mia then, looked her up and down.

“Oh, I see what kept you.”

“Has he talked?” Lorenzo asked, ignoring his comment.


“Let’s make him talk, then.”

Lorenzo grabbed the gag out of Mick’s mouth. Mick gasped in some breaths. Lorenzo crouched down in front of him.

“So,” Lorenzo said.“You really thought you’d get away with going undercover in my crew? With betraying me?”
