Page 36 of Undercover Agent

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Mia broke down, then. All her lies, everything she’d been holding in, was all coming to the surface.

“It was all real,” she said.“I wasn’t meant to get this far in, but I feel hopelessly in love with you. And I couldn’t tell you who I really was. I was too scared. I thought your family would kill me.”

“They will kill you,” he said.“They can never find out, understand?”

“Does that mean… you still want to be with me?”

Lorenzo shrugged.“I can’t fucking explain it, Mia. But I don’t care. I just want you, every day. Forever.”

“That’s what I want, too,”Mia said.

He grabbed her and kissed her gently.

Then there was a noise, footsteps. They both turned, to see Alessandro run into the room.

“You both okay?” He said.

“We’re fine,” Lorenzo said.

“They’ve all retreated.”




Alessandro gestured for them to follow.

In the foyer, lay Matteo. He had a gunshot wound to the chest. He was gone.

Lorenzo knelt down beside him.

“They killed our father,” Alessandro said.

“We’ll take them down,” Lorenzo said.“Every last one of them. But we do it smart. We don’t get taken down by the feds over it.”

“I agree.” Alessandro said.

“Let’s get rid of these weapons, and get the cops out here. The story is they invaded the house and we fought them off with the registered handguns. Got it?”

“Got it.”Alessandro ran off.

Lorenzo took a deep breath.

“With your father gone, who’s in charge?”Mia said.

“I am,” Lorenzo said.“I’m in charge.”

Mia took his hand.

The man she loved, the love of her life, was now the head of the biggest crime family in the city. And she didn’t care. She’d follow him anywhere, do anything to be with him.

She was all in.
