Page 38 of Fierce Sinner

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I can feel it in my veins.

Something’s about to go down…

Dark clouds gather, bringing about a storm the Bratva hasn’t seen since we went to war against the Mexicans after the bastards killed my family. And the worst part, we’re nowhere near prepared for what’s to come. My men have gotten too accustomed to peaceful times. If we’re not prepared before shit hits the fan, we’re pretty much fucked.

I get to the field and push every thought of Aurora and the lurking danger to the back of my mind and start releasing my frustration. First going through mind-numbing warm-ups, then picking out unwilling “volunteers” for hand-to-hand training. My men are reluctant to go up against me, but not one would dare to refuse my instructions to face off against me.

It is hours before I decide to call it a day. I’m aching, soaked in sweat, and finally feel like the demons are off my tail. Until I meet Aurora waiting for me inside my room.

“What are you doing here?” I ask as warning bells go off in my head. I wonder what she has been doing while I was away. I make a mental note to keep my door locked.


Just a few days ago, I would have been over the moon to have Aurora waiting for me in my bed. Now, as much as I find her desirable, her presence has my suspicions sparking. I have an organization to protect, families who rely on me. And she’s lying to me to spend time with a woman with no history. Everything is wrong about this, and I can’t risk my Bratva for the sake of a treacherous woman.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude,” she says, and I have to brace myself when those captivating eyes land on me. I say nothing, waiting silently as she nips on her bottom lip in that sweet little gesture that seems to be connected straight to my cock. I ignore those plump lips, those deep, searching eyes, those tits that heave as she sucks in a breath. I ignore all of it and narrow my eyes on her, waiting for her to spit out whatever is on her mind.

“I’ll leave,” she announces when the tension has stretched to the point of discomfort. I don’t give a fuck about her comfort.

“Suit yourself,” I say coolly. She starts heading to the door and everything in me wants to drag her back and fling her onto the bed. I remind myself of the strange woman in those photos with Aurora and hold myself in check.

I feel my shoulders sag as the door clicks shut behind her.

For fuck’s sake.

This is taking more out of me than I’m comfortable with. Too damned complicated when my world has enough shit in it already. If I had half a fucking brain, I’d get rid of her and pray my life could return to normal after her hand in it.

Fat chance of that. She’s wormed her way too close to my heart and it’s going to break me if it turns out she’s stabbing me in the back. I feel my lip curl at the thought and yank my damp shirt over my head, toeing off my boots as I head to the shower.

I’ve wasted enough time on this fuckery; I need to get my head straight.

And I need to find Petrov.



Unsettled and confused.

That’s how the events of the past few days have left me. It has made me realize how deep Lev has gotten to me. And now, he has completely distanced himself from me.

He’s never paid much attention to my moments of resistance before. After what’s happened between us these past days…the intense moments of intimacy… I’d been confident he’d brush it aside the way he always has. If there’s anything I’ve learned these past weeks, it’s that Lev Ivanov is a man who takes what he wants.

Or perhaps he’s had his fun with me and now he’s disposed of me like he said he would? The thought has my stomach churning, but somehow, I know it’s not that.

This is different.

Something else is up.

I was hoping we would discuss it the last time I went to his room, but he had sent me out. And it almost broke my heart. He never sent me from his room before. If anything, he was the one who wanted me to stay. And thinking of the things that happened then makes my skin tingle, even now. But the sad reality is that he doesn’t want me anywhere around him, and that scares me.

Could he know?

It seems impossible. I’ve only been out once, and I took such care to hide my movements. It has to be something else. I just wish it would blow over, because if this goes on, I’ll have to resort to seeing Lev on the field with his men.

God, Aurora, you’re so pathetic!

I feel like I’ve been spying on my husband in the hopes of seeing more of him. It’s been enlightening, though. I see how much grit and power he exudes as he trains with his team. The difference between him and my father is astonishing.
