Page 30 of Shattered Oath

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But then, why shouldn’t I make sure she enjoys this? It’ll only make the revenge more complete when I finally dispose of her. Knowing what I can make her do, knowing that she’s an eager participant in her own shame.

Glancing down at where our bodies are joined, I lick my thumb and slide it between her ass cheeks. The first press against her tight hole has her bucking against me. Releasing her hair with my other hand, I reach in front of her and pinch her clit between thumb and forefinger.

Her knees buckle, then straighten sharply as I thrust my thumb in her ass to the knuckle. There’s a moment where she twists and writhes against me with such force she almost dislodges my cock from her. But it’s not long before those hungry walls are sucking at me again. The combined onslaught of fingers, cock, and that invading thumb are pushing her into sensory overload.

“Ohhh,” she manages to groan out past the makeshift gag. The desperation in the sound is mirrored in the increasing frenzy of her movements.

“You like that,Solshinko?” I grunt into her ear. “Such a pity I never fucked this pretty ass of yours while I had a chance. I think you would have loved it.” I push deeper, feeling the way my cock is filling her to capacity through the tight skin as I keep up my shattering rhythm. And through it all, she rises to meet me, matching me thrust for thrust in a way that has the pleasure coiling in my balls faster than I expected.

“Fuck!” I growl as the sensation peaks. Rubbing rough circles on her swollen clit, I thrust in deep, feeling myself jerk and pulse as I empty myself into her. Her back arches and her arms splay wide as she howls into the fabric, every muscle straining as she rides through her own pleasure. Moments later, she goes limp, her body heaving as she fights for breath. I pull out of her with a wet sucking sound, wiping my hand down the back of her dress as I watch her slide to the floor.

I step away from her, tucking my cock back into my pants as she slowly turns to sit on her butt, facing me. Her eyes are huge, swimming with tears.

I wonder if she can turn those on and off, too.

“I hope you understand now,” I mutter, straightening my shirt and running a hand through my hair. When I reach for the door, it doesn’t bother me that she has to scramble out of its path.

And now that I think about it, maybe this little episode will convince her to put her plans on hold for a bit. All that talk of love and emotion was intriguing, but keeping her around like this might be entertaining.

I shut the door and walk down the hall, ignoring the sound of sobbing behind me.



“You took it too far”,a voice says inside my head.

Somehow, it feels like my mother’s voice, which fills me with more shame than I feel I deserve. Perhaps I should have just confronted her with the evidence I already have.


So she could lie some more?

Yeah, right. It would have been fucking pointless. She wouldn’t think twice to get rid of me, so why should I go easy on her? All I need to do is go through with my plans and deal with her once I’ve secured my MeshMare contract.

“One step at a time,” I mutter under my breath. It is time to prepare for what the night will hold. I quickly stride to my office.

I’ve planned every detail meticulously, but there’s no accounting for what we’ll encounter out there. Either way, I’m sure I’ll have the MeshMare in my hands before the day is over.

The afternoon races by as I prepare for the night.

“What’s the game plan?” Ludis asks.

“I’ll handle everything,” I tell him. “You’re going to stay back here in case any of those bastards think they can attack this place,” I say as I check my weapons. I have my two favorite blades and a gun. It is better to be prepared than sorry, especially with what I’m anticipating tonight.

“Are you sure I shouldn’t go with you?” Ludis asks.

“Positive. I’ve got this,” I tell him before I leave my office. I leave the house to find the men I handpicked waiting for me out front.

The trip to the auction takes an hour, and it passes in silence. I go through the routine of checking my pistol, unloading the mag, and checking the rounds before clipping it all back in place again. At least there’s one thing I can count on.

Our small convoy pulls up outside the venue and we’re out of our vehicles in moments. Most of my men stand guard outside according to the rules. Everyone is only allowed two guards inside the auction hall.

I glance at the men to the left and right of me. I don’t need to tell them to be alert. This auction is like every auction, except this one is deadly. The most dangerous people in the world are in the room. We all want one thing… the MeshMare. The only difference is that I’m way ahead of everyone.

I keep my expression impassive as I take my seat and wait for the moment for my plans to take off. The auctioneer starts with a series of stolen artifacts. Priceless antiques being shipped around the world to nameless, faceless bidders who will spend a small fortune to own something they’ll never be able to show off. It makes no fucking sense to me, but who am I to judge?

My focus is on something more practical. As a hush falls over the room as the final item is announced. I know everyone else is here for it, too.
