Page 45 of High Class

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I grimace. There she goes, being so damn perceptive again. And here I am, being an over sharing sap.

Needing to regain control of the evening, I tuck a hand under her chin and stare into her pretty eyes. “You know where I would be relaxed?”

“In a private room with me?” she asks hopefully.

I grin and nod. “Exactly. Are you ready, or do you want to stay out here and see more of what’s happening?”

She shifts to stand and holds out her hand. “I’m ready when you are, Mr. Bowden.”

Chapter 14


Whenwewalkintothe Queen room, I’m in awe. It’s gorgeous. Even more gorgeous than in the photos Bellamy showed me.

“Wow. This must be one you lend to VIP’s a lot.”

He nods. “Face cards and the Ace are our five nicest rooms. The Ace is actually almost like a mini apartment.”

“It’s gorgeous. I’m impressed.”

He steps toward me and puts a lip to my fingers. “Shhh. Let’s not focus on that right now. You can look around later. Right now, I want to see you take your clothes off for me.”

I freeze. Why do I freeze? I’ve done this hundreds of times.

He leans against the dresser and nods at me. “Go on, Flower.”

My hands tremble, and he chuckles. “I like that you’re nervous around me.”

My face twists into a disgusted expression. “I hate it. I’m never nervous. Why do you like it?”

His grin lights up his entire face. “It means I’m different.”

They all want to be different. But I don’t tell him that because he’s right.

He is different from other men I’ve been with. Even men I’ve been with in a more romantic sense and not as client and sex-worker. There is a spark I feel around him, and I don’t know what to do with it. How do I process the fact that this man who swooped me up out of a nightclub and forced me onto a plane to go to Las Vegas with him could make me feel anything other than rage and ire? And yet he does. He makes my heart do that skip a beat thing you read about in romance novels. And there is an electric charge every time our skin connects. I want to know more about him and what he does. I want to ask questions about his family and what his hopes and dreams are for the future. That’s not something I’ve ever wanted with a guy before.

Not to mention he’s everything I don’t want in a man. He’s flashy. Has a garage full of cars and he’s nowhere near a small town where he runs the local grocery store.

He pushes off the dresser and walks toward me. “What’s the matter, love? No need to be nervous. I’ve already been inside you.”

He reaches for the hem of my dress again and I willingly lift my arms over my head to let him pull it free.

“And you even wore red lingerie. At least you know how to follow instructions,” he murmurs approvingly as his gaze wanders the length of my body. I’m in a red corset bra and a matching lace red thong and garter. I hoped he would approve.

He presses his lips to my bare shoulder and flicks the first clasp of the corset free. “That’s fun,” he says with a wink as he opens the next and then the next.

Soon, the corset falls free, and I’m standing mostly bare for him. The thong doesn’t really cover much. He turns me around and pushes me in front of the mirror so I can see myself.

“I’ve had visions of turning your ass this color since we met. What do you think of that, Zara? I noticed you were a maybe on spanking.”

I shrug. “It’s not something I’m against, but it’s also not something I find to be a huge turn-on. At least not until now, with you looking at me that way.”

His eyes heat, and he gives me a little nudge. “Then you should bend over, lass.”

I bend at the waist and plant my elbows on the dresser, staring at both of us in the mirror. I’m finding my boldness again and it’s about damn time.

“We’ll start slow since you’re unsure.”
