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Alowlaughreachedmy ears as we approached the half-built structure on the outskirts of the pack village. My eyes found Hawk’s amused expression from where he stood between the main beams of the new cabin, passing long planks of wood up towards Spencer and Brax who were balanced in the rafters.

“You are totally in the shit, man,” he called unapologetically, making Linc scowl and flip him off from where he stood beside me.

Spencer turned to us with a frown, shaking his head. “Nope, go home.”

I sighed. “Spence, I…”

He cut me off and pointed down at me with a stern look. “I said no, you need rest. Go home, get in bed, we’ll see you for the evening meal.”

I raised an eyebrow at his snippy tone, but he stubbornly held my stare and mirrored the move back at me. It was a total alphahole move, but I couldn’t be mad at him when I knew he was trying to help.

Dropping his gaze with a huff, I turned and sat myself on a sunny patch of grass beside the structure, looking back up at him with a shrug.

“I’ll compromise,” I called. “I’ll sit down and help how I can from here.”

I flicked my fingers at the long beam of wood they were moving, conjuring air currents underneath it so that it lifted easily into position. After the last few months of using my power daily to help out with chores, the elements here now responded to my commands without extra persuasion, even if they were still sluggish to react compared with back home. Brax startled a little as the timber moved in his hands but caught on quickly, guiding it into place while Spencer muttered under his breath at me, clearly unimpressed with my offer.

Jumping effortlessly down to the packed dirt with a grace only a shifter could manage, Spencer strode over and sat on the grass beside me, nodding at Linc to help the others.

“Cor,” he muttered, running a calloused hand over his face. “You need to rest.”

I opened my mouth to respond but he cut me off.

“No, listen. You’ve helped us fix nearly every cabin in the village, restored the vegetable crop we almost lost in the flood, ticked so many jobs off the list that we’re months ahead of schedule.”

His expression was unhappy and a little helpless when it met mine.

“But you’re also ignoring the fact that you’re falling apart at the seams. We want to help you, we just don’t know how.”

I knocked my leg against his. “What are you talking about? You’ve helped already. You let me stay here even though I’m clearly a liability.”

He huffed at me. “You are not a liability. You are a good person who deserves a whole lot better than the hand she’s been dealt.”

I had to swallow down the bubble of emotion that rose at his words, looking up at the blue sky until I was calm again. Spencer’s eyes were still on me when I looked at him again, full of a kind understanding that made me scowl.

“Stop being nice,” I grumbled. “You’ll make me cry. I’m too tired for this shit.”

“Exactly,” he scoffed. “You need some fucking rest, woman.”

I shot a tiny shock of power at him in punishment for his tone, making him suck in a breath as the energy crackled through him like a small bolt of lightning. His low laugh rolled over us a second later, and I couldn’t help but join in, my recent conversation with Linc having lifted some of the weight from my shoulders.

“Well it’s good to see you smiling, young lady,” a female voice called, and we turned to see Sonja walking along the path towards us.

Spencer started to stand but she waved him down. “No, no, stay there, you look very comfortable.”

Her smile was warm and genuine, but the hint of mischief there was obvious. Sonja, along with many other older pack members, had been thrilled to have me stay with the pack. With the lack of females here, the fact that I was an Alpha and had my own magic meant they were very keen for me to stay for good. It didn’t seem to matter that I had other mates somewhere, or that I was clearly going through a lot, and their not-so-subtle hinting about a potential relationship between Spencer and I was beginning to drive me mad.

Thankfully, Spencer seemed to feel the same way as me about the whole situation.

“Mom, did you need something?” he asked, impatience bleeding into his tone a little.

“I was just bringing you hard workers some sustenance,” she explained, gesturing to the basket she carried over her arm. “Though it looks like you two are having a little break. Why don’t you take this into the forest? Have a nice walk and a picnic together?”

She held the basket out to Spencer and blinked innocently as I heard Linc and Brax sniggering. They had all stopped working, obviously listening to every word. Even Hawk had a stupid grin on his face.

“Thanks,” Spencer replied, looking unimpressed as he took the basket and set it on the ground by our feet. “We’ll think about it.”

I darted him a look, confused that he wasn’t just shutting her down. He gave me a minute shrug in answer, and as Sonja gave a triumphant nod and walked away again, I realised that he was humouring her so she’d leave.
