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“Clumsy witch,” he admonished playfully. “And loud, they’ll hear us coming from a mile away.”

I mock-scowled at him. “Hey, be nice. Not all of us can have perfect balance and stealth skills, you know.”

“They had better hear us,” Liam grumbled, his gaze scanning the forest around us. “We haven’t come across a single lookout yet, and I am not impressed.”

Setting me back on my feet with a kiss to the cheek, Zeke reached up and wiped away the bead of sweat that was trickling slowly down his temple. After the weeks of delay where we had been stuck at the castle, we were now well into midsummer. Even in the shade of the towering trees, thick and flourishing under the bright summer sun, the temperature was sweltering.

We had left the castle behind three days ago, the new council elected and learning how to work as a unit. They had easily agreed to only call on us when big decisions or problems cropped up, and I had reiterated my threats of dismemberment and pain if I ever discovered or even suspected any level of corruption. I was fairly certain they had been glad to see us leave.

A beautiful russet wolf emerged from the bushes beside us, shifting in the blink of an eye into a frowning Noah.

“There is no one out here at all,” he confirmed as he tugged on the clothes from the bag Liam handed him. “Either something is wrong, or something really interesting is happening in the village.”

A quick mental check on the web of connections that formed the pack link, connecting Liam and I to the pack, told me that they were all alive and that there was no major concern.

I gave a one-shouldered shrug. “Well we know the messenger that we sent made it down here, so I guess they decided the threat was over?”

Liam growled irritably. “They were told to stay vigilant.”

I walked over and patted his chest patronisingly. “Ok, big man, let’s just go and find out what’s going on before we go all big, bad Alpha.”

His eyes flashed wolf as he looked down at me, his hand darting out to wrap around my throat and pull me close.

“Don’t think I won’t spank your ass if you keep up the attitude, Princess.”

He smirked as he felt me swallow hard, his threat creating a slow lick of heat that curled straight through to my core. Still, I fixed an indifferent look on my face and opened my mouth to give him hell.

Quickly bringing up his other hand, he covered my lips with his palm before leaning in to murmur into my ear.

“Actually, I’d let Zeke spank you raw while I pinned your head back and fucked this bratty mouth.”

A full body tremor shuddered through me as he nipped my earlobe and released his hold on me, my knees embarrassingly weak as he strutted off in the direction of the pack village.

Zeke followed, giving me a slow wink that told me he had heard every word that his brother had said. I glared at him as I cleared my throat and straightened my spine, trying to shake off the lusty fog Liam had sent me into.

Arms wrapped around my waist from behind, making me suck in a surprised breath. Noah chuckled as he crowded close and kissed my shoulder reverently.

“You’re going to use me to punish them later, right?”

I grinned savagely. “Damn right I am.”

The shouting was audible before we even reached the river that ran around the outer edge of the village. Exchanging a worried look with Noah, we followed Liam and Zeke as they jogged through the last of the trees before splashing through the shallow creek that led into the main clearing.

We had definitely found the pack. Judging by the size of the crowd, they had all gathered here, and were all fixated on whatever was happening in the kitchen area.

A brash screech of frustration sounded. “You cannot be serious!”

“Deadly!” came an answering cackle. My gaze snapped to Noah’s as I recognised the voices, both of us hesitating for a split second before running forward.

A few shocked gazes met mine as we pushed our way through the crowd, but no one stopped us as we reached the front and took in the two dishevelled females before us.

“I am an alpha female, and you will do as I say!” screamed Vella, her swollen lip split open and bleeding down her chin.

Saffy threw up her hands, her left eye puffy and already bruising. “Oh fuck that, you lost your place when Cor kicked your skanky ass!”

“Ha! That only leaves me second! I could kick the rest of you to the kerb!” Vella hissed, her white-blond hair looking like someone had dragged her through a bush.

Saffy wagged her brows at her and grinned cockily. “Oh really? I’m pretty sure you just tried that. How’s that lip feeling?”
