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“Who the hell is that?” Linc murmured, and my eyes snapped back to the shadowed newcomer just as they reached Spencer and the edge of the firelight.

I frowned as I recognised Cas, not used to seeing him around the village. While technically part of the pack, Cas was very much a loner and spent most of his time patrolling the edges of the pack territories. In recent months he had helped me watch the portal gateway, seeing as he knew the area better than anyone else.

“It’s Cas,” I answered, shooting Linc a confused glance.

“Yeh,” Linc replied simply. “But who is that?”

I startled a little as Cas suddenly dragged a small, cloaked figure into view, pushing them to the floor as he barked something at Spencer that I couldn’t make out.

Dark hair fell out from beneath the hood of the stranger as they struggled to stand again, and my feet were moving before I could think twice. I rounded the fire as the figure turned their face up to the Alpha, their hood falling back as they snapped out a response to whatever had been asked.

I heard Spencer’s growl as I closed in on them, watching the newcomer’s hands rise as they sparked with magic.

“Briar!” I barked, throwing up my own hand and using a gust of air to knock her back a few steps. “Put your damn hands down!”

My sister’s eyes whipped to mine, shock and relief passing over her face.

“Cordelia! Oh thank fuck,” she cried, throwing herself into my arms as I reached them.

My mind spun as I let her hug me, meeting Spencer’s confused gaze with a small shrug. After a long moment I grasped her shoulders and pushed her away from me until I could look her in the eye.

“Briar,” I asked, searching her face as if it could give me all the answers. “What the hell are you doing here?”

She swallowed hard, her eyes full of fear and pity. I couldn’t decide which one scared me more.

“I had to find you. She’s going to kill them all.”

Chapter Four



I winced slightly at the sound of my mom’s voice behind me on the path, dragging in a steadying breath before stopping and turning to face her. I was on my way back to the cabin, needing a shower and food before the full moon rose, and in no mood to chat.

She slowed as she neared, her expression wary like she was trying not to spook a wild animal. She stopped a few feet away with a timid smile on her face, and I raised a brow at her in question.

The pack was used to my silence by now. I didn’t speak unless I needed to anymore, and most of them had stopped trying. Not that they saw me often, seeing as I avoided the pack wherever possible. Mom, though, refused to give up on me. At least once a day she tried to coax me to talk to her, without much success.

The truth was, if I let too much out, I might not be able to stop my mask from cracking.

“I saw you in the main clearing,” she said softly. “You didn’t want to stay for food with us?”

I ran a palm over my stubbled jaw. “I was just giving the Alpha feedback from my patrol. It was all clear, we’re safe to run tonight.”

“Have you eaten?” she asked, pressing the issue.

“I’m fine, Mom,” I answered firmly, absorbing the hurt in her gaze but not having the mental energy to deal with it.

She looked at me for a long moment before sighing. “Do you think your wolf will run with us tonight?”

I shrugged. “You know I have no control over that, it’s a full moon. My wolf will do whatever he wants to.”

“Please, baby, please talk to me,” she suddenly begged, making me rear back a little in surprise.

She stepped in close and gripped my arms, the misery on her face making my chest hurt. “I know how much you are hurting. That you’re grieving. But you have to stop this. Stop pushing us away. Talk to us. Let us help you through this.”

I gently pried her fingers off me and stepped out of her reach.
