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“Don’t make me watch that again, Noah, please!” she hissed, the anxiety radiating down the bond from her almost overwhelming.

I tugged her close, wrapping my arms around her and burying my face in her hair. “I’ll be careful, I promise.”

She pulled back and glared at me, knowing I hadn’t really agreed with her. I pressed a finger to her lips before she could argue, planting a kiss on her forehead.

“I know, but that’s all I can give you. I won’t ever leave you in danger.”

Her eyes sparkled with unshed tears but she gave me a nod as she accepted what I was saying.

“Come on, we’re close now,” I whispered, taking hold of her hand. “Let’s get this over with.”

She stiffened, her eyes suddenly flicking behind me. “Shit, I feel Liam. He’s not happy.”

I squeezed her fingers and turned, leading her towards our pack with a heavy dread in my gut. No matter what I told her, we both knew how much danger we were walking into. And now three of us were bonded together so permanently that losing any of us meant disaster.

It was only a minute later that voices reached my ears, still too far away to make out the words. Movement caught my attention in the corner of my eye and I tugged Cor to a stop behind a thick trunk, crouching low between its high roots.

Signalling to her, I scanned the surrounding trees as she peered carefully around our shelter to see the nearby figure. It was a member of the Queen’s guard, their dark cloak hanging from their tall frame as they stood in silent watch. Cor ducked back down out of his view as I spotted several other dark figures spread out around the shadowed forest, pointing them out to her quickly before gesturing east.

“The meeting point is about a hundred paces that way,” I breathed into her ear before settling back and giving her the reins.

My girl knew what to do, this was her plan after all. A part of me was even excited to see her in action, especially if her power was even stronger now. I knew this wasn’t going to be our last face-off with the Queen, but it would still take a decent fight if the pack was going to walk away from this whole.

Squeezing her eyes closed, she dug her fingers into the dirt and pushed her power into the ground. The air suddenly seemed to hum with magic, and I watched as, one-by-one, the guards fell, smothered by thick vines and dragged struggling into the depths of the forest.

She was silent and still for another few minutes, sending her power searching as far as possible to give us the advantage. When she opened her eyes she grinned at me triumphantly, leaning in to smack a brief kiss to my lips that I forced myself not to deepen.

“You got this, gorgeous,” I murmured with a wink. “Come on let’s…”

A loud gasp ripped from her mouth as Cor abruptly stiffened, cutting me off as she looked at me with panicked eyes.

“Liam’s in pain,” she hissed, jumping to her feet and heading towards the meeting point without hesitation.

I leapt after her, grabbing her arm to slow her down. “Wait! Sweetheart, just stop and think.”

She paused, panting a little as she looked at me. “I remember the plan, but I’m not waiting any longer. The pack is in dangernow.”

I sighed as she pulled free of my grip and marched on. I couldn’t argue with her though, I just hoped the others reached us in time.

Still, my mate had abandoned all attempt at being silent, almost running towards the clearing ahead.

“Cor!” I hissed as loudly as I dared, cursing as she ignored me and burst out from the trees into the meeting area.

I was only three steps behind her, the last rays of sunlight hitting my face as we emerged into the large, ancient clearing. A grey stone table stood in the centre within a circle of packed dirt, traditional runes covering the surface which explained the ancient rules of treaty. This place had been a meeting point between our people for hundreds of moons, maybe more, but right now it was clear that peace was not on the agenda.

The pack were gathered near one side of the stone slab, surrounded by several witch guards who held glowing power in their palms. Rock lay in a dazed heap on the ground at the front of the group, Zeke and Dillon both crouched low beside him nursing their own shallow wounds. It was clear from their faces and the tension radiating through them that they had been attacked without warning.

“What a surprise!” came a sharp voice, and I turned to see the Queen across the clearing.

She was roughly fifty feet away from the gathered pack, and the smile on her face as she locked eyes with Cordelia was wickedly twisted. Ice trickled through my veins as I saw Liam standing beside her, locked in a circle of eerie light that seemed to be slowly twisting his body into an unnatural shape. The pain on his face was clear, his eyes turned to the darkening sky and his body silently shaking as it was locked under the Queen’s control.

“I wasn’t expecting you, Daughter,” the Queen continued, ignoring the shocked murmurs as the pack spotted us.

“Let. Him. Go.” Cordelia grated, her hands sparking as her anger and fear spiked down the bond.

The Queen looked at Liam, her smile only widening cruelly. “My plans require him to die, so no, I don’t think I will.”

Cor raised a palm, making the Queen titter a cold laugh.
