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I pulled back from Liam a little, tipping his chin back to catch his eye. “We need to go home and figure out what to do.”

He nodded and suddenly stiffened, something clicking in his expression as he realised that I was in his arms.

His hands pushed into my hair as his eyes widened. “Princess, you’re here. Are you ok?”

I gave him a watery smile and nodded. “Hey.”

The adoration in his eyes made my heart thump oddly, but I pressed a finger to his lips before he could speak again.

“No time, we have to get moving.”

His expression cracked and hardened as he nodded his agreement. “Yeh, ok.”

Climbing from his lap, I brushed off my pants and gestured over my shoulder. “My sister needs medical attention, but she can wait until we’ve moved out of the area. Will anyone else have trouble travelling right now?”

I looked around at the pack, my eyes catching on Zeke and frowning when I found him still motionlessly staring at Donn and Mina. With a shaky breath, I stepped in front of him, blocking his view and forcing him to look at me.

“Zeke,” I breathed. “I’m so sorry.”

He blinked at me in shock. “You’re sorry? Cordy…”

His head dropped, his shoulders hunching in shame. “How can you even look at me right now?”

I threw a punch straight into his abs. Not strengthened by power, so it probably hurt my hand more than it did him, but it made my point and his head shot back up.

“Pull it together,” I hissed. “Am I pissed? Yes. Am I hurt? Yes. Do I blame you? No. Not anymore. Not now that we know the truth. But either way, we don’t have time for this.”

I stepped close and cupped his stubbly cheek, his eyes watching me in shocked fascination.

“We will grieve them, we will deal with everything that this means, but I need you to be strong and help me get the pack home. Can you do that for me, Zeke?”

He nodded firmly, placing his hand over mine and squeezing. “I would do anything for you, baby girl, anything.”

My smile was genuine now. “Then let’s go.”

I called the human realm shifters and Briar over and gave them a quick introduction, explaining that they would be travelling with us for now at least. Directing Raul and Rock, who now seemed recovered, to carry the two bodies, I instinctively took control and directed our pack out of the clearing, knowing that Liam wasn’t up to leading them yet.

The energy was subdued as we headed back into the forest, walking southwest towards the Pack Lands at a steady pace that allowed us to travel a few miles before darkness truly descended. We set up a simple camp, going without a fire in case any guards had decided to track us and setting up a watch to last through the night.

I used my power to hover a low light over our heads and boil water for Briar, needing to brew herbs to help with the pain and swelling before examining her injuries. Linc had been right about the ribs, and she groaned as I bound them tightly with long strips of cloth that I created from some spare clothing. Her leg was worse though, and I was pretty certain a bone in her ankle was broken. Using thin but solid branches, I set and bound her leg as best I could, pushing healing power into her skin as I did so.

“You’re not going to be walking on this for weeks, B,” I murmured apologetically. “And that’s if it heals well.”

Spencer scowled from where he gripped Briar’s hand tightly, supporting her through the pain. “She needs a doctor. X-rays. Proper care.”

I raised a brow at him. “I’m not sure what that means but I’m doing the best I can. It’s not like we have any trained healers here.”

He had the decency to look apologetic. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.”

Briar gave him a small shove. “Just shut up, meathead, she’s helping.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle at the look he gave her, standing up and leaving them to it as they began to quietly bicker between them.

“Cor,” came a soft call, and I headed towards Noah as he reached for me.

I could see Liam and Zeke close by, both silent and deep in thought. I knew that they needed me right now, that my presence would help them both, but I just didn’t have anything left to give in that moment.

Like he knew exactly what I was thinking, Noah pulled me down into his arms and bundled me close, laying us down and tucking me against him tightly.
