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She blinked in surprise, shaking her head. “Er, no. I need to stay and help you. I’m not leaving you to fight Mother alone.”

I ran a hand through my messy hair, trying to work out some of the tangles. “I have help, I have the prophecy, and what I need most is for you to be ok. If we’re attacked now, you’re a sitting duck.”

She rolled her eyes at me. “There are many things I can do without standing up, you know.”

Linc pushed his tongue into his cheek as he tried not to grin. “That’s good to know.”

Briar wordlessly shot a jolt of power at him, making him yelp as she glared death in his direction. I couldn’t help but laugh at his unrepentant expression before pulling Briar’s attention back to me again.

“Briar,” I said softly, trying to reason with her. “They can help you back, you can rest and get better. That leg could easily heal badly, you don’t want to limp your entire life, and you can come back when you’re ready.”

Her expression remained distinctly unimpressed. “What gives you the impression that their pack will want me there any more than yours does?”

I shifted my gaze over to Spencer and Briar’s eyes narrowed, her temper exploding.

“This was your idea?!” she yelled up at him, somehow managing to sound terrifying even as she sat helplessly on the ground.

He just folded his arms and looked unimpressed. “I simply suggested it as an option. It’s not like you have anywhere else to go.”

She gaped up at him, hurt and frustration flashing in her eyes as I pushed to stand and added my own glare in his direction.

“Wow,” I said drily. “So you have the asshole trait too, huh.”

He looked a little regretful but gave a shrug. “I’m not wrong.”

Briar huffed. “If I could storm off right now, I’d be out of here. You both suck.”

I crouched and threw my arms around her, happy when she easily returned the hug. She wasn’t really pissed at me; I knew she understood what I was saying, but I hated that we were about to be separated again.

“Just go with them, ok?” I whispered in her ear as she squeezed me tightly. “Go and be safe. Be free.”

She sniffled in my ear and I pulled back, tears pricking my eyes as I met her glistening gaze.

She nodded reluctantly. “Ok. But I’m not staying away. I only just got you back.”

I grinned, blinking back the emotion that way trying to escape. “Damn right. I’ll see you soon, ok?”

Her breath hitched as she hugged me again, giving me a fierce embrace before letting me stand.

I turned to the guys, who had moved away a little to give us space. They all looked a little wary as I shot them a lethal glare.

“You keep her safe and happy, or I will tear strips off your asses, you hear me?” I hissed, relaxing as they all gave me solemn nods.

“I swear it, Cor,” Spencer promised, stepping forward and wrapping his arms around me. “Be safe yourself, ok?”

I nodded as he released me, giving him a smile. Linc darted in to sweep me up, lifting me off my feet and hugging me forcefully.

“I’m going to miss you, little doll,” he murmured, chuckling as I smacked him on the arm for the nickname. “Kick that bitch’s ass, yeh?”

I saw real worry in his eyes as he released me and I had to bite the inside of my cheek to stop the tears returning in full force. Linc had been my lifeline for the last few months, he had seen me at my worst, taken all of my shit, and made me smile instead. I owed him a hell of a lot, and I would seriously miss him.

“You know it,” I swore, making him grin, and I startled as a warm body suddenly pressed up against my back.

“You guys are leaving?” Noah asked, having approached without me realising while I was all caught up in my emotions.

He placed his hands on my hips possessively, making Linc give me a small, knowing wink that had me breathing a laugh. Hawk caught my eye and gave me a deep, wordless nod of respect, which I returned with a smile.

Spence turned to address Liam as he also approached. “We need to get back home, and it makes no sense to head any further south. I’m sorry we can’t stay to help more, but I have to get back to my pack, and Briar needs a safe place to heal.”
