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“Remember how you told me not to touch it?” I joked, pushing myself up to my feet with Liam’s hand on my elbow to support me.

“Funny,” he deadpanned, concern still radiating down our bond. “Spill, Princess, what happened?”

It took me the entire walk back to the cabin to fully detail the memory that had sprung to life in the presence of the Mage Stone. Liam’s frown grew steadily deeper at the ominous details of the tapestry, pulling me to a gentle stop as we reached the edge of the village.

“Why would that picture be woven in the first place?” he asked as his hands roamed almost absently over my arms, still reassuring himself that I was ok. “And why would it be hung in the castle?”

My mouth twisted as I thought. “I’m more concerned about what the maze rune means. Why is it on a stone in the middle of the Pack Lands as well as all over a tapestry in that castle?”

I released a pent-up breath as my frustration built. “It’s just another thing that links the Queen to the pack, and I don’t like it.”

I placed a hand on Liam’s chest as we reached the steps up to the cabin.

“Have you three talked out what you needed to, or am I expecting more drama?” I asked simply, letting him see my feelings plainly. “I refuse to babysit while any of you throw your toys.”

He narrowed his eyes at me slightly but I could see the respect there as he nodded. “I apologised. You were right. I’ll do better.”

Relief filled me and I smiled, leaning in to plant a kiss on his soft mouth in thanks. Turning to head into the house, I squeaked in surprise as his hand wrapped around my waist and he tugged me back against him.

“More,” he mumbled demandingly, capturing my lips again and kissing me until I was a panting mess.

Grinning, he released me and directed me back up the stairs with a swat on the ass, laughing at the disdainful look I gave him in return.

Pushing into the kitchen, I stopped in my tracks as I found an unexpected figure standing in the centre of the room with Noah. His eyes swivelled to mine, the irritation he was feeling clear in his face as I caught the end of what she was saying.

“…always been drawn to you, and I think you are to me as well.”

“Harlow,” Liam said blandly, pressing a hand to the small of my back as he sensed the rage that was misting a red haze over my vision.

Harlow whipped around to face us, surprise and annoyance on her face. Noah could clearly feel my anger too, smirking a little at Harlow as jealousy pumped through my veins like hot acid.

“Liam!” she called back, stepping towards us with a smile plastered on her face.

She stalled as she saw me, uncertainty flashing across her expression before she dismissed me altogether and looked back to Liam.

Her mistake.

“Alpha,” Liam snapped, correcting her informal use of his name. “We’re not playmates anymore.”

She frowned but quickly covered it with a smirk, ducking her head obediently but keeping her eyes on him flirtatiously. “Of course, sorry. I’m only used to seeing you as that boy who used to play with me in the sea. You were my first kiss, you know.”

“I’m sure you didn’t travel all this way to be a bitchy slut, Harlow, so what the fuck are you doing here?”

Her eyes widened at Zeke’s arrival as he shoved past her, eyes only for me as he fired venom at our unexpected guest. Wrapping his fingers around my wrist, he squeezed gently, sending me calming vibes down our bond as he planted himself beside me in a clear gesture of support.

Clearing her throat as she glanced around at the stony faces of my guys, Harlow took a second to pull herself back together before turning back to Noah. Liam released a soft growl as she disrespected his authority once more, but I gave his arm a quick squeeze to stop him advancing on her.

“My father wanted me up here to find out what was happening and to help out, but with the whole pack gathered the village doesn’t exactly have many places left that I can stay.”

She let out a breathy chuckle and I felt the guys tense beside me, their grip on me tightening as if they expected me to attack. To their clear surprise though, I laughed.

“Find somewhere else to sleep, you’re not staying here,” I said, pulling free and walking to grab myself some water. “Stick around if you’re going to actually help, go back to South Stones if you’re not. I don’t have the time or energy for this petty shit.”

Turning back to them, I laughed again at the stunned look on their faces. Harlow scowled, glancing at the others before raising a haughty brow.

“You’re kicking me out? I would have expected an Alpha to graciously open her home to a pack member in need.”

Any amusement fell from my face. “The only thing you’re in need of right now is remembering your place. You have just walked into my home and propositioned my mate, as well as disrespecting another. You should be grateful that I have more important things to worry about right now.”
