Page 59 of Play By The Rules

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All I know for sure is that I will not give in to him. I’ve done that too many times and look where it’s gotten me.

Theodore wants to be mine?

He’s going to work his fucking arse off to get there.

I’m done rolling over and letting him drag me around by my arse.

He might be the king in this kingdom, but I’m a fucking queen, and if he wants me at his side, he can bow the fuck down.


“Dowejustnotknock anymore?” I snap as Kyle walks through my door. He laughs lightly, throwing his arm around my shoulder. His blond hair tickles my forehead when he presses his head against mine.


“You should.”

“What would be the fun in that?” he asks with a smirk, pulling me towards the door. I don’t bother asking where he’s taking me; there’d be no point.

Since we became friends again, between him and Gage, I’ve learnt to not ask questions.

“How was your half term?”

“Interesting,” I mutter, not offering him anything more. It’s been a couple of days since Theodore came to me with his “counteroffer,” and I’m no closer to understanding why.

And I’m no closer to giving into him.

In fact, I spent the entire weekend hiding out in my dorm, reading. Since I haven’t heard from him, I’m back to thinking he was joking.

Which is fine by me.

Completely fucking fine.

Or so I keep trying to convince myself.

“Interesting, hm? And why would that be?” Kyle ponders aloud, pulling my attention back to him. There’s an amused smile on his face and his eyes glitter with unspent humour, and in that moment, I know he’s already heard of it all. I blow out a slow breath, pushing him away from me.

Spotting Gage, I send him a scowl despite the way he smirks at me. The only person I’ve spoken to about any of what happened is him.

He was there and had an open ear, even though as Theodore’s best friend I probably shouldn’t have. Especially now that I know he also has a big fucking mouth.

“I’m going back to bed,” I tell them, spinning on my heel and storming down the hall. I shove my door open, but a hand clamps down on my arm, stopping me. I don’t have to look to know who’s there.

The way my body tingles in response tells me exactly who’s got a hold of me.

“Hello, Casper.”

“Goodbye, Theodore,” I tell him, using my free hand to push him away. The moment I’m free, I get into my dorm, slam the door in his face, and lock it. The sound of raucous laughter follows me, even with the gigantic slab of wood in the way.

I throw myself face down on the couch, letting a scream loose into the cushion. Two seconds in his presence and I’m already on edge. How I’m meant to deal with this for the rest of the year, I don’t know.

It’s only October, and he doesn’t leave the academy for good until July.

Fuck my life.

The sound of the door opening has me jumping up in fright and spinning to face the intrusion. The three guys I left out in the hallway saunter in as though they own the place.

I mean, technically they do, at least a part of it, but this is my safe space.
