Page 44 of Ruthless Wolf

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I consume the meat in seconds, not sparing any part. I'm scared Lawrence will take it from me before I’ve had time to eat properly. It's a smart act because I don't know when next I'll get to feed.

Maybe it's my imagination, but a derisive chuckle comes from Lawrence. Shame stings my cheeks and I wonder how pathetic I must look.

I don’t say anything and watch them, my gaze occasionally moving to the open door. If I can just make a move for it, would my chains snap under the little strength the meat has given me? Or maybe I should fool them with my tears and convince Lawrence to release me. They want to see me beg and that's what I'm going to do as long as it’ll be my ticket out of here.

"Please, let me out," I plead, belying the rage I feel inside me instead.

"Poor Addy." Lawrence bends down. Our gazes level. "This isn't about what you want anymore. This is your new home and you won't be coming out of here for a long time."

My tears drop to the dusty floor. "I'm going to die here."

Lawrence straightens, moving away from me and standing beside Damian. A sinister smile plays across my other brother's lips as he tightens his fist, watching me. Is he going to try and hurt me again? I wanted to scream at Lawrence not to leave me here with Damian.

But my eldest brother has no plan to do that. He puts his hand on Damian's shoulder and says, "Come on, let's go."

"I need to see Luke!" The words are already out of me before I can stop myself.

My brothers pause, then turn around to look at me. Damian's expression of rage burns like a furnace.

But it's Lawrence's expression that scares me the most. An amused smile floods his face and the glint in his icy stare has me wanting to retreat into myself. I don’t though, keeping his gaze. Luke is fast becoming as essential as food.

He walks towards me again. "Luke? The new guy from the bar?"

I don't respond. The fear pounding in my heart seals my mouth and I pray my silence dissuades my brother from asking more questions.

It doesn't. Lawrence's moment of amusement expires, leaving his face to the grip of his anger. This is the first time since he stepped into the room that he’s shown any sign of rage.

In the blink of an eye, his face is barely inches from mine. His heavy breath mingles with his fury, so hot it slams against my skin like a cremator. Sparks of indignation are visible in his eyes.

"When I fucking ask you a question, Addy, you reply!" he yells, my confidence turning feeble before him.

I lower my head to avoid staring at his face while every inch of me trembles, shivers, cowers.

Lawrence yanks my hair back, almost snapping my neck. I'm forced to look at him again, my teeth biting down on the torrent of pain coursing through my neck. His eyes have grown so dark they are like the core of an inky night, unable to be penetrated by light.

"Why do you want to speak to Luke?" my brother bellows.

"No reason!” Hot tears burn my cheeks. "We’re just friends."

"Lawrence, let her go!"

My third brother, Jake, shoots into the room. He yanks Lawrence's grip from my hair and pushes him backward, away from me, before he can hurt me again. My oldest brother continues to glower at me. His look scorches me more than the agony overpowering my body.

"Stop doing that to her!" Jake growls.

But Lawrence just shoves him backward, so suddenly Jake almost rams into me.

"Stay out of this, Jake! She needs to be taught a lesson." Damian makes a show of coming closer to me but he's stopped by Lawrence stretching a hand in front of him.

"No one touches her but me," my oldest brother croaks. "I'm more interested in what's between her and this Luke."

I wipe my tears with my grimy hand. Now that Lawrence is several feet away and Jake is in the room to stop him from hurting me again, I embrace silence. It's best not to speak. Lawrence's curiosity will drive him to look for Luke.

The last thing I want is my brothers hunting down Luke. He's not a part of my pathetic situation, my war. This is between me and my brothers. I don't want him caught in their web of insanity.

Besides, trying to confront Luke about me would only reveal his identity to the High Ridge pack. I know Luke. He's no match for my brothers, for this cruel pack I've been calling family for years.

They’ve deceived me for a long time and now that I'm out of the darkness of my ignorance, I don't want my light to be Luke's downfall. I want him safe, away from this merciless world of mine.
