Page 9 of Ruthless Wolf

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Addy’s body quakes beneath mine, my name on her lips far more rousing than any explicit content I’ve consumed. Watching her come as I pound her pussy is the sexiest, most breath-taking thing I’ve ever seen.

It propels my own pleasure, and I thrust harder and faster than I ever have. I bite back the one word that keeps climbing up my throat.


Instead, I focus on the explosion that’s building. It grips me by the spine, tightens my balls, and rips through me before I’m ready. My cock jerks inside of her, ejecting endless hot streams of come into her quivering heat. Ecstasy is like a mushroom cloud through my entire being, shredding reality, making Addy the focal point of my universe. It locks every muscle even as it blazes every thought. Any defenses.

Any sliver of knowledge that I’m losing myself to the enemy.

“Fuck,” I moan, my body collapsing, shivering, and reacting in a way I never have before.

Breathing hard, I fall to the side, trying to put some distance between her as aftershocks ripple through me. But Addy follows, wrapping herself around me. She even presses a kiss to my jaw before tucking her head into my shoulder.

I blink up at the roof of the motel room, trying to get my breathing under control. Maybe then any of this will make sense. I’d planned a great deal in advance of what to expect and prepare for when I investigated this rival pack, slowly infiltrating their bar, Moonlit. I played out a lot of possibilities, especially with how I’d make use of Addy, but I definitely didn’t bank on having sex right after we officially met. I most certainly didn’t count on becoming putty in the hands of a murderer.

She goes to lift her head, but I keep it nestled in my shoulder, even drawing her tighter so she doesn’t see it as a rejection. I hate how good it feels when she relaxes against me. How can I be so drawn to someone so evil? How can a murderer like her feel so much like home? What the hell is wrong with me? Not only have I betrayed my family but it’d be a miracle if I even step foot in Moonlit again. Much less welcomed into the pack.

Addy shivers, and I quickly draw up the covers, glad to cover the glory that is her naked body, even as I mourn devouring it with my eyes. How am I going to fix this? One-night stands are not the way to a woman’s heart, least of all the way to earn the pack’s trust.

Her fingers shift a little on my chest, even that slight movement making my cock twitch. “That was pretty good, huh?” she whispers, sounding almost shy.

As if she didn’t just give me the best fucking sex of my life.

Conscious I need to redeem this situation somehow, I allow the truth to be said. “I’d say we surpassed ‘pretty good,” I admit.

I’m pretty sure I feel her smile. “I agree,” she whispers and says no more.

As the seconds stretch out, I half expect her to get up and leave. Isn’t that what a one-night stand is? Fuck ‘em and leave ‘em? It’s exactly what I’d expect from someone in her pack. Instead, she nestles in closer, even looking up. Her eyes search mine, as if she’s checking this is okay.

Even though I know I’m playing a dangerous game, in the same way I couldn’t slow down the moment I touched her silken skin, I can’t seem to push her away. What is wrong with me? I briefly wonder if it's some wolf-thing my parents skimmed over when telling us their version of the birds and the bees…

“Can we just rest a moment?” she yawns before nuzzling into my chest. All logic says I should deny her, says I should feel wretched for what I’ve done—and I do, kind of—but I can’t seem to tell her no. I stroke her hair, and everything melts away as her heartbeat slows. It feels so sweet. So trusting…

Before I can scoff at my own stupidity, my own eyelids become heavy. I fight it for a second—sleep and I don’t have a great relationship—but then the warmth of the girl holding me seeps past my skin and straight into my chest. It just feels too good. Almost…comforting.

The shadows follow me there, like they always do, dancing in a circle around my old home, screaming, “They’re dead. They’re dead. They’re dead.” I tense, ready to rouse myself, when they do something they’ve never done before. They fade. Instead, a strange light fills the space, erasing all the darkness from my past and I find myself slipping into a new dream. A dream of Addy’s lips and hips and sighs.

* * *

Iwake up to the sound of my phone’s alarm crying out. Addy jolts awake, her eyes wide as if we’re about to be attacked. The irony. I suppose when you kill people for the fun of it, you likely make a lot of enemies along the way. Something to consider, I realize. Did I lock my car doors?

“Geez! Your alarm could wake the whole town, including the cemetery!” she says, catching her breath.

I chuckle. “I know,” I say and quickly silence my phone’s alarm. It’s a reminder to take sleeping pills—the ones that are supposed to help with the nightmares. At this point, the irony of tonight would be funny if it wasn’t so damn disgusting.

Addy pulls the covers up to her chest as if she’s some virgin. “Why do you have alarms at this hour? It’s not even morning. I mean, we couldn’t have been asleep for more than an hour.”

“I like to make sure I’m home at a reasonable hour,” I quip, intentionally dodging her question.

“Do you lose track of time in hotels with girls you just met often then?” She blushes, and I can tell she instantly regrets her question. There was no malice in her tone, no assumption, and why should there be? This was nothing but a one-night stand, right? Surely she didn’t see this as something more. Not someone so cold and cruel.

Lost in thought, her sad girl eyes bring me back to the present. I haven’t even answered her yet. “Sometimes,” I murmur, “but never quite like this. I don’t usually stick around after…” And I don’t usually enjoy it that much, and…it’s not usually with someone I’m seeking to punish.

Addy ponders this, picking her next words slowly, carefully. “Well, I’m glad you did. This time.”

Strange how my body insists I say “me too” even though I have every reason not to. “It is late, though.” Looking at the clock, I can’t believe Addy’s right that I hadn’t even been asleep for an hour—my night with her wasn’t only the best sex I’ve ever had, but it was also the best nap I’ve had in ages. And I didn’t even take my tablets yet!

She bites her lip, as if pleading for another round, and it takes everything in me to put this to a halt. “I best be going home.”
