Page 10 of Come Back to Me

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“I do…this is all really confusing. I don’t why you’re a big secret. Do you?”

“I’m sure Richard simply wanted to handle this discreetly. I can’t blame him. If I had someone so lovely to look after, I would do the same.”

Did he just call me lovely?“Can you tell me what happened?”

“I wasn’t present for everything, but what I know is this—my driver took a turn down an alley that is typically our shortcut to a meeting in your neighborhood. I was looking at some property for a condo project and when we turned in, we saw two men beating a woman lying on the ground. Foster and I jumped out and came to your aid.”

It often happens when you least expect it, the tears and crying. Just when I feel prepared and strong, stable, with emotions in check, that’s when a curveball sets off the waterworks.

“Hey, it’s alright, you’ve been through hell. I get it. Let it go.”

The last thing I want to do is cry in Cole Parker’s office. I am not here to have a meltdown in the land of chrome and leather. And yet, in spite of best efforts to keep myself together, he is being kind to me and kindness has a way of breaking down my defenses. I can’t help the tears rolling silently down my face. I’m not sure when, but Cole wraps his arm around my shoulder and says, “It’s going to be okay, really.”

Oddly enough, even though everyone has been telling me I’ll be fine, I believe Cole, and with huge relief I continue weeping for another few moments. I can feel that my cheeks are tear-stained, and I have to pull it together or I will never get the answers I need.

“Thank you,” I say. “Thank you for helping me and not leaving me for dead in some alley.”

“You’re welcome! You did give me a long list of people to speak to, in case you died,” he smirks.Oh God, this just keeps getting better.

“Well, I’m alive, so you can just forget all about that.”

“How could I?” His face is lit up, and he lets out a laugh from his belly. He’s enjoying himself.

I can’t help but smile in return, and yet I must get the information I came for. “So, Mr. Parker, do you make it a habit to rescue mugging victims and then disappear without a word?”


“It isn’t a difficult question.”

“Please, call me Cole.”

Damn him, I’m thrown off my game. If his plan is to make my cheeks burn, it’s working.Geez, Mia. Get a grip!

“I like the color in your cheeks.” He is squinting and smiling and reading my mind. Oh my.

Time to go on the offensive. I knew how to flirt in my past life, I just need to remember. This is so out of context and unexpected, he’s catching me way off guard; but the truth is I owe Jack nothing, and this powerful man in his fancy office is waking something in me that I thought was dormant for good. I look right up into his smoldering, smiling eyes.

“Look, Rico, I can’t do whatever this is right now. I’m trying my damndest to not melt from all the sex your throwing my way. Do you think you could turn it down a notch so I can focus on my situation? A pretty serious one, I might add.”

“You are absolutely right. My apologies. I would sincerely like to help, but seeing you here is a treat for me…”WHAT?“The answer is yes, I can turn it down a notch and I’ll do my best to answer all your questions, but once we finish this conversation, Mia, it’s every man for himself.”

There is something about how he says my name, familiar, like I’ve heard him say it a hundred times before. But how can that be? We’ve only met once before today, and I was unconscious. None of this adds up, but I look up at Cole Parker again, and for a brief second I don’t need any answers. All I can think is,I hope he devours me.

I lick my lips, slowly, for effect.

“Mmmm, be careful, Mia. I’m not the most honorable man. If you tempt me, I can’t be held responsible for my actions.” He raises his eyebrow, as if to solidify his warning.

I smile back, pleased that I’m affecting him, this man who could probably have any woman he wants. Smart, handsome, rich, powerful.What’s not to love?“Getting back to the issue and the reason I came here, Cole… I really would appreciate you telling me what you know, and I can’t thank you enough for taking me to the hospital. I mean, did you see the guys who attacked me? I think there was more than one.”

“We saw two. When my driver and I got out of the car, we ran toward what was happening. I got my hands on one of the guys and started in on him while Foster went to protect you.” His face starts to darken and he turns away. When I look down, I notice his fists are shut so tight that his knuckles are white. “I looked up to make sure you were okay and the asshole sucker punched me and ran away. If he didn’t take off when he did, I might have killed him.” This gives me chills.

“I’m glad you didn’t kill someone just for me.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t get there before they hurt you.”

“Me too!” I say. “But I am really grateful you turned down that alley when you did… Did you get a good look at the other guy?”

“I didn’t, but Foster gave a description to the investigators Richard hired.”There’s that Richard again!
