Page 13 of Come Back to Me

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The sound of his voice calling me baby sends a chill up my spine and makes me hot in other places. I look sideways to meet his gaze and in that instant know exactly what I would like to play nice with. I smile as my mother descends upon us, ugh! “Mia, you didn’t tell me you were arriving together.”

“We got here at the same time, Mom.” I level my eyes at her. How could we arrive together when I wasn’t informed he was coming? I leave that part out.

Cole moves his hand from my back to shake Richards’ hand, and kisses my mother’s hand, saying, “Lovely to see you again. I am reminded where Mia gets her beauty.”

“Oh, stop! You flatter an old woman.”

“Old woman? There is nothing old about you, you have aged to perfection,” Richard chimes in. My mother is so good at this. All my life I’ve been astounded at how easily she commands the center of attention, revels in it. I am the opposite, I despise having all eyes on me. Despite him ruining my plan for this evening, I only want one set of eyes on me. Sneaking a peek, I find that they are.

As Mom kisses my cheek and pulls me close, I think two things. One, I love her in spite of all her crazy, and two, Cole thinks I’m pretty.Dumb, so dumb.

I break away from the group to make my way around the room, saying hello to the friends my mother has invited. It’s a small group, but I don’t know a single person. I wish Alex was here, she would pull me into a group or at least commiserate with me.

“Well, hello there young lady, that’s quite the long face for such a jovial occasion,” says a portly man, probably someone who works with Richard, at his firm.

I smile apologetically, “I guess I’m not very good company.”

“Nonsense! Is it that fella you’re with? He better be treating you right!”

“Are you giving my girl a hard time, George?” Cole interrupts.

Your girl?You wish… or I wish.Shut up, Mia!

With a booming laugh, George pats Cole on the back and hiccups. He’s drunk. “Okay, I’ll leave the lovebirds to it, then.” George waddles away.

I look at Cole. “Seriously?! Why would you do that?”

“Do what?” he smiles.

“Stop it, you know exactly what I mean. You insinuated that I’m your girlfriend.”

“Who cares, he probably won’t even remember it tomorrow. The man is three sheets to the wind.”

“Fine, it doesn’t matter, but you should know that I’m seeing someone. I just want to be honest before you get any more ideas.”

Cole’s jaw flexes and his lips go pale and thin. Uh oh, someone isn’t happy. We stand staring at each other for what feels like an eternity, and then I’m startled by the dinner bell. Yes, an actual bell. My mother loves to do things dramatically!

Cole follows me to the dinner table, seemingly unaffected by my news. His calm, cool facade fell into place as soon as the bell rang.

He enters the dining room first and takes his seat. I look for my name on the place card, and he coughs and points at the chair next to him. I’m certain the look on my face is less than enthusiastic. I hate how much I want to sit next to him… As I sit, he lets out a small breath and says, “Way to injure a guy. Here I am, happy to share a meal with you.”

“Well, I suppose it’s like dinner with anyone else. I use a fork, occasionally a knife. I chew, and I’m very good with a napkin.” Before I can help myself, I add a little wink.

“I suddenly find myself jealous of a napkin.” His gaze is fixed on my mouth, he eyes slowly move up to meet my eyes, annndddd I’m wet.Jack has never had this effect on me. Not once.

Despite my plan being blown, I’m having fun. Cole is charming. He makes conversation and engages the other guests effortlessly. Everyone is laughing, exchanging stories, enjoying the evening. I hear some funny stories about office mishaps from some of Richard’s partners, except for George. Apparently, he was feeling under the weather and had to leave before dinner. Poor George. Someone shares a funny memory about mom’s first attempt to cook dinner for Richard. This is the kind of light, easy company I haven’t had in a long time; well, since….

“What’s wrong, love?” Cole leans over to me. “Nothing, I’m just spacing out.”

As dessert comes to the table, I feel like drooling. Chocolate lava cake with vanilla bean ice cream. My mother serves me first, knowing it’s my favorite. I smile in appreciation, and once everyone is served I use my spoon to break the center and savor the warm, molten chocolate.


“Enjoying yourself?”


“You have a little bit… right, here.” He uses his thumb to brush a spot of chocolate sauce from my lips.
