Page 39 of Come Back to Me

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“I’m sorry, Mia, you missed Cole by a few minutes. He stepped out to the office, said for you to call him when you wake up.” I’m mortified and Foster is looking everywhere but at me.

“Gotcha, yep, no worries.” I run, so fast, back to my room. I call Cole only to go to voicemail, so I decide to take a shower and get myself dressed. When I walk out of my closet, I hear my phone ringing so I dart over, throwing myself to the other side of the bed to grab it off the night stand.

“Hello?” Silence. “Hello, Cole?” I pull the phone from my face to look at the number, but I don’t recognize it. The other night, after my recollection, I programmed Cole’s number to read “hubby”.

I quickly and quietly run back out of the bedroom toward Foster, holding up my fingers to my mouth, to silence everyone. “Hello, can you hear me? I think we have a bad connection.”

He laughs… and I almost vomit. I would recognize that voice anywhere. “Carter? Is that you?”

Foster takes my phone and puts it on speaker. He is hooking up some device to it. He motions for me to keep talking.

“Carter, why are you doing this? Why are you trying to hurt me?”

“See you soon, Amelia…” and he hangs up.

Foster grabs my phone as it falls out of my hand. I wrap my arms around myself. “We got him!” I hear one of the team say. “Let’s go, we need to grab him quick, before the police get to him.”

Why before the police?

Foster yells out, “Mark, wait five minutes, then call it in. Mia, stay in the house with the team. You are safe here. We’ve already reached Cole. He’s on his way back.”

Everything is happening fast. People are moving around me in a blur. I can’t process anything except Carter’s voice voice, that sick, twisted, evil voice.

Foster grabs my shoulders and squares me to him. “Mia, it ends today. Wewillhandle him. You have my word.” He leaves with some of the others as I stand motionless, watching the elevator doors close. I can’t move until Cole comes back. I need him here.

I hear the ding and focus my eyes to see Cole rushing toward me, and that’s when I pass out.

I wake to Cole putting a cold cloth on my forehead. “Hey, there she is.”

“Hi, is it over?”

“Baby, it’s only been thirty seconds since you fainted. But I’m right here, and I promise, nothing and no one will get to you. Can I get you something?”

“Honestly? I realize it’s early morning, but I could use a drink.”

“You and me both. Sit up and I will get us something.”

“Hey, did you call Richard or my mom?”

“Didn’t have to. Richard’s people are already queued in. Foster called me while you were on the phone with Carter, and then we reached out to Richard’s team.”

“Can you tell me why Foster and Richard’s goons are trying to get to Carter before the police do? Does this have anything to do with your conversation with Foster last night?”

“Yes.” He comes back into the room and hands me a tumbler with amber liquid. “Now, before you ask any more questions, let me say that I will not allow you to become an accomplice to a crime.”

My heart stops. I stand, spilling liquor from my glass. “You damn fool! What have you done, Cole?”

His jaw tenses and I can tell he is annoyed with my outburst.

“Fool? You’re right, I am a fool, a fool in love. This guy has already hurt you twice, Mia. I cannot allow it to happen again. Ever.”

“Cole, I can’t lose you. Please don’t be stupid. I’m afraid.”

“I will never leave you, Mia. Please trust me.”

I open my mouth to answer, and Cole’s cell goes off.

I watch him put it to his ear and don’t need to hear what Foster is saying, because I can tell by the look on Cole’s face.
