Page 80 of Wild Kiss

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“I already had one mate, Alistair, but now you’re saying I have another?” My chin trembled, and I wasn’t sure how many more surprises I could take.

These two men in front of me were Gods, so gorgeous, that my knees shook, but I didn’t recognize them. And they both stared at me with heartbreak in their eyes.

The man called Wilder stood stiff and looked like he might detonate, shaking, eyes locked on me. Black hair frayed around his face messily, bringing attention to those piercing green eyes that called to me, made me want to drown in them. Muscles rippled over his body, his skin tanned, and he towered over me.

Then there was Daxon with his sculptured face, screaming sex. But he carried an air of darkness about him. Blond hair, pale hazel eyes with a crazy look behind them, the guy was just as big as Wilder, and there was something about him that made me keep staring. How could these men be so gorgeous?

And I didn’t miss their hypnotizingly masculine and wolfy smells. My wolf roused inside me, responding to their presence, to their wolves. She was actually drawn to them.

“Rune,” Daxon kept saying my name, and the sound of his voice was so familiar to me, so captivating, so alluring. “How can you not remember me? I marked you as mine.”

I blinked at him, wishing I could just recall everything. Anything actually.

This was becoming too much for me, my mind hurt, and I just shook my head. The past kept rearing its head and yet no one could help me gain my memories back.

“Why didn’t you tell me about Daxon being my mate?” I asked, glancing up at Ares.

“Yeah, Ares. Why didn’t you tell her?” Daxon’s voice darkened as he got to his feet. “Why didn’t you bring her back to us once you found her? Why the fucking hell have you been hiding out in this…this place, for weeks, all while Wilder and I have been going insane out there trying to find her?”

His voice boomed, and I was convinced the entire town heard him. But his words chilled me. Agony played across both men’s faces. I felt sorry for them because I could tell they’d suffered a lot…because of me?

“Is what he’s saying true?” I asked Ares.

The love of my life nodded, and it stung to see his confession.

“Why?” I croaked. A million questions in that one word.

He slid a hand across my cheek, the warmth in his eyes for me never extinguishing. I had no doubt about his love towards me, but there were so many things he still hadn’t told me about my past. To be fair, I had asked him at one stage to stop talking about the past because if I couldn't remember it, what good was it? But now I was starting to think that wasn’t such a good idea.

Staring into the faces from my past, two men who wanted answers, who had me curious to find out the same, I knew I couldn’t pretend everything was fine any longer.

“Rune.” There was an ache in his voice that made me flinch. “I–” He took a deep breath. “I’ve tried to think what I would say to you in this moment, but my only excuse is that I didn’t think it would hurt to protect you here while you regained your memories. I just wanted some time with you…some time for you to fall in love with me without them around distracting you every moment. I was going to tell you everything. I swear to you…it would have happened soon.” His gaze and voice pleaded with me, but a cold dread was floating through my veins.

“You fucking asshole,” Wilder growled, his hands clenched. “You could have least put Daxon and I out of our fucking misery and told us you had her safe.”

“You would have taken her from me,” Ares snapped matter-of-factly, to which Wilder lurched closer.

My heart bumped into the back of my throat at the fury in Wilder’s gaze, and I threw myself between them, placing a hand out to stop him. I was furious with Ares, I felt betrayed. But whatever his intentions were…Ihadfallen in love with him, and I couldn’t bear to see him hurt.

“I wish I could remember you both, but please, don’t fight. Ares saved me from Alistair, the real monster in all of this. He and the Fae Queen kidnapped me. Ares has been protecting me.”

“Alistair removed your memories?” Daxon barked, stepped closing, crowding in around me. “Tell me where he is, fuck, I’m going to enjoy killing him.”

“He’s locked up for now,” Ares stated, rather proud of himself as he grinned.

I wrung my hands, saying, “The Fae Queen suppressed my memories. I’ve cried so much, I’ve been so confused. I’ve even learned about my mother’s death…all over again. I–I guess I buried my head in the sand for a while here. I couldn’t take anymore bad news. Don’t blame Ares, blame me for wanting to feel normal for half a second.”

“Oh, Rune,” Wilder whispered, staring at me with the same admiration I’d seen in Ares’ eyes when he gazed at me. “I could never blame you.”

“Daria,” Daxon snarled, breaking the moment. “You’ve got to be fucking joking. She’s in Romania too? Who the fuck else followed us here?”

Sorrow crossed Wilder’s face, something that stole the color from his features. “This is my fault,” he murmured. “She came for you because of me.”

It was painful watching these powerful alphas crumbling around me, and as much as I wished to help them, I didn’t know how.

“We need to find a way to break the curse and fast,” Daxon stated, never taking his eyes off me, his attention dipping to my lips, burning me up.

“You think I haven’t tried everything I know.” Ares didn’t appear happy, and he gave me one of his unreadable looks when I glanced over at him. “Rune, can you go inside and rest, and let me catch up with the boys on everything. I have an idea I want to run past them.”
