Page 19 of Pretty Savages

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"Nothing, which is the weird part. When those rumors were going around, it was all people were saying. Now, it's like they never existed. It's just … off to me."

So, it was exactly as I suspected. Everyone was living their best lives as if everything was normal. How long can people hide the truth? Their bullshit? I used to think that everything eventually catches up to you, but maybe that's not true when you have power and money. Maybe, with those luxuries, you could make everything pretty.

"I don't think knowing the truth will make you feel any better, Phoebs."

She reaches over and grabs my arm. "All I care about is you, Ry. Just tell me this… are you okay?"


It's short and to the point. But there's no use lying about it.

Phoebe blinks at me, obviously having been expecting a different answer. "Oh."

"It's complicated. And I don't want to drag you into the drama. But what's done is done. I'm not coming back for good, and if anyone comes looking for information, tell them to fuck off and violently fuck a pineapple."

She breaks out in laughter, making me stare in concern. I wait for her to stop, but she just laughs louder, until her sounds turn into sobs. Eventually, she's a bubbling mess of tears and I pull her into a hug, holding her while we sit and ponder the mass destruction engulfing our lives.

Phoebe has to duck out the next morning to see her dad briefly, so I agree to wait at her house. Unfortunately, it's always dangerous leaving me to my own thoughts. It's a risk hazard, and I've spent the last thirty minutes staring at my phone, deliberating whether or not I should message Butch.

Part of me is desperate to know if Chuck is okay, but also… I just miss my friends. I miss Butch, V, and Volts. I feel like I need to at least say hi to them while I am here.

I cave in, typing out a short text to Butch asking how he is. But now the worst part is I'm left with the horrible, gut-wrecking feeling of waiting. I stare at the message, waiting for theseennotification, but it doesn't come straight away.

I make myself busy, doing Phoebe's dishes to distract myself. She's such a tidy person, but I can tell her dad's health has taken a toll on her. Her usual over the top tidy house is a bit messy. Still exceptionally clean in comparison to most people, but I know for her, this is her struggle point.

When my phone dings a little while later, I dive for it. Embarrassment creeps into my cheeks when I realize it's just Jeremy, telling me he tried to make pancakes but they got stuck to the fry-pan and now Jasmine won't leave him alone about it.

Flinging myself on the couch, I open up Facebook. I don't know why, because surely, nothing good can come of this. Thankfully, my newsfeed is quite boring and after scrolling for a little while, I close it back down.

I'm almost passed out on the couch when Phoebe's front door opens and she strolls back in. I look over, watching in concern, as she tries to balance a baguette and some shopping bags.

"I thought we might get hungry later. Especially if we keep drinking. Speaking of which, I bought more wine. And vodka too."

"You're a good friend," I say, getting up and taking the baguette from her arms. "How's your dad?"

Phoebe puts the groceries on her kitchen bench. "He's good. He says hi. My parents were pretty happy to hear you were visiting. Con also called me in the car and said he'll drop in later to check in on us."

I nod, helping her unload the grocery bags and put stuff away. "That sounds good. What did you want to do today?"

"We could watch some Netflix and drink. Dad has an appointment later, but he said I don't have to go."

I give her a look, noting that she doesn't meet my gaze. "Do you want to go with him?"

She shakes her head, but I'm not convinced. "It's fine. I want to spend time with you."

"Phoebe," I say sternly, using her full name to grab her attention. "If you want to go with your Dad, you should. I can find something to do for a few hours. You can do both… it's okay."

She bites her bottom lip in thought, turmoil crossing her face. "Are you sure? You travelled here for me. I don't want to just keep leaving you."

I wave her off. "It doesn't bother me in the slightest. I was hoping to swing by and see some friends. So, go with your Dad and I'll keep myself busy. Then later on, we can get drunk and eat your bread dick."

"Did you just call the baguette… a bread dick?"

I grab the bread dick and point it at her like a sword. "Absolutely. So, listen to me or feel my yeasty wrath."

Chapter eight

StillnowordfromButch by the time lunch rolls around. I send Phoebe off, albeit with some hesitation on her part, then make my way to Wheels. I'm a big girl and can handle myself for a few hours. Besides, Wheels is a safe place… at least, it used to be. It was always my home away from home when dealing with Asher. Now, my memory is tainted with the night he made me come in here. Literally.
