Page 26 of Pretty Savages

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Straightening up, I cross my arms as I take a breath.

"I did something bad."

She rolls her eyes, clearly getting annoyed at me. She motions for me to continue. "Rylee, for fuck's sake."

"Fine!" I snap, meeting her gaze. "I slept with Asher. There – now you know. I slept with Asher fucking Taylor."

Chapter ten

Iwaitforthelook of horror and disgust, but she just laughs and grabs the vodka. I watch as she carefully pours two new drinks for us, handing me a fresh glass.

"Yeah, I figured as much," she finally says.

"What?" I yelp. "How could you have figured?"

Phoebe takes a drink, carrying the food with her other hand, and heading back to the couch. "I knew something was up with you guys. And it makes sense. The rumors didn't help, of course."

I take after her quickly, sitting down next to her. "Why do you say that?"

"Because," she replies simply, "it put the idea in my head. But by then, you were already being super weird. Asher ditched Jenny on their break trip, and you then took off. The rumor mill went quiet afterwards, but let's be honest… that was probably because of Jenny."

"So you don't hate me?" I ask quietly.

Phoebe rolls her eyes at me. "No, Ry. I don't hate you. You're free to do what you want. You know I'll never judge you. Besides, I already called you out on your crush with him and told you I'd let you figure it out. I guess… I wasn't completely expecting that to happen, but you do surprise me often."

I resist the urge to smack my head into the coffee table. "If you figured it out, maybe others have too."

"Doubtful. I don't really think their circle of friends are the brightest. But things still aren't adding up," she says, giving me an accusatory look.

"What do you mean?" I hesitantly ask.

Phoebe grabs some food but stops to look at me before she puts them in her mouth. "Why did you leave? And why did you get kicked out of Brightmore?"

I guess there's no going back now. I've already told her part of the story. No use leaving stones unturned.

I fill her in on the dares, including what happened with poor Kevin. Phoebe nods, a frown tugging at her lips.

"So, you think Jenny sent the footage to the Dean?"

"Definitely. She suspected something was happening, and planted a camera in Asher's room. It caught us. Honest to God though, it was the first and only night. But that's my own stupid fault for doing it," I say, the usual flood of regret hitting me.

Phoebe motions for me to take a drink, which I do. She thinks for a moment before continuing.

"I don't need to tell you what you did was wrong. You already know that. But she was wrong too. You're as much a victim here as she is. You didn't deserve what she did to you."

I rub my hand over my face, letting out a frustrated groan. "Phoebs… he told me that he loves me."

Her eyebrows shoot up in surprise, her mouth popping open. She's finally speechless, something that doesn't happen too often.

"Oh, wow. Well… how do you feel about that?"

Looking through my fingers at her, I grumble back. "I told him I loved him too. Then when Jenny caught us, he threw me aside. But today… he found me and told me he still loves me."

Phoebe runs her hand through her hair. "Right. Well… that complicates things. How do you feel about it?"

"I want nothing to do with him," I say quickly, without hesitation. "I just want him to leave me alone. All of them."

She nods in understanding. "Fair enough. Well, it makes sense now. I'm sorry you went through that. Definitely keep away from him. He's bad news, and an asshole."
