Page 78 of Pretty Savages

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Zayn lays on the bed casually, observing his fingers.

"Just family bonding."

Blake looks at me, exasperated. "Rylee… seriously?"

"Don't you start," I mutter. "He started it. And Asher's the one who barged in without knocking."

Asher looks at me incredulously. "I didn't think I had to! I came to see if you needed help unpacking."

Blake sighs, rubbing his temple. "Right. Everyone out before punches get thrown. Asher, calm your shit. Zayn… stop taunting Ash."

Zayn pretends to look hurt. "Aw, I didn't do anything. I just wanted a snack."

"You knew about this?" Asher asks Blake.

The older brother shrugs. "You can't get mad at Zayn for doing the exact same thing as you. Do I agree with it? Fuck no. But you are exactly both the same, and Rylee's old enough and stupid enough to make her own decisions."

"Hey!" I yell.

Blake turns, heading out the door. "Get your asses out here and get food. Or don't. Choice is up to you. Just keep the drama to a minimum, you three."

Dinner is extremely awkward. The four of us sit around the dining table, pizza boxes laid open in front of us.

Asher keeps sending death glances at Zayn, who just grins in response.

Blake groans, shoving some crust in his mouth. "If this is going to be awkward, then we might have to re-evaluate the arrangement."

"And where am I supposed to go?" I snap, grabbing a piece of garlic bread.

"You're not going anywhere," Zayn answers. "Ash just needs to learn to curb his jealousy. Or hell, join in."

Blake throws Zayn an annoyed look. "Cut it out. This whole situation is fucked up. Don't make it worse."

Asher folds his arms, glaring at Zayn. "How long has this been going on for?"

"Minimum drama, remember? Just let it go, Ash."

I pull out my phone, sending off a text.

"What are you doing?" asks Blake.

"I need a drink, and if I can't go out, then I'm going to bring the drinks here."

The three of them look at me wearily but with different expressions. Zayn is amused, as always, relishing in the fact shit is blowing up. Blake looks annoyed, like he's trying to swallow some insult for the sake of our civil agreement. And Asher… he might as well be waving a red flag and stomping his feet like an overgrown man child.

As my phone dings with a reply, I read it, my face lighting up.

"Oof. Someone's made her happy," Zayn says.

Asher stares at him coldly, but doesn't say anything.

I grab my glass of Coke, downing the rest of the drink. "Just behave yourselves when my guests come over. I don't need any more problems."

I rip open the door, my face breaking out into a huge grin at the sight of two of my favorite people.

"You came!" I yell, throwing myself at them.

Butch and Vito hug me back, chuckling.
