Page 26 of Hacker Heart

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Half of his stuff has migrated to my house, and I cleared a few drawers and made some hanging space for him in my closet. Okay, so I just moved some stuff into the cupboard in the guestroom to make some space for him. Same thing.

Aside from his hamsters, Muffin and Phyllis, and the racoon, Rocky, that he swears adoptedhim and not the other way around, everything he needs is already here.

I figure if I can let Bosco have sleepovers—even after what he did to my emerald pair of Sarah Jessica Parker B Pearl Sling Back Pumps—I can handle a couple of tiny hamsters and a weirdly domesticated raccoon moving in.

So, tonight, I’m going to pop the question. Who cares if we skip the moving in step? We’re practically already living together.

“Kline, if you drop that chaise, I swear to god, I’ll turn you into a eunuch,” I threaten.

He rolls his eyes. “Don’t get your panties in a wad; it slipped.”

I glare at him as he passes me on his way into Val’s house. I want everything to be perfect when Val gets home. He’s been away for the last five days on an out of state retrieval with his dad and Terrance, a bounty hunter who works with us on and off. I’ve missed him more than I thought possible.

Thank the technology gods for video calls. I’ve been singing their praises all week. Phone sex issomuch better when you can actually see your partner. A dreamy smile tips my lips as I think about last night’s call…

“Eww, knock that shit off,” Snow grouses.


She rolls her eyes. “You get this weird look on your face when you’re thinking dirty thoughts about Val. It’s gross; he’s like our brother.”

I scoff and cross my arms. “As if I’d do the things I do to Val to my brother.”

“Jesus H. Christ I wish you girls would censor yourselves when I’m around,” Dad grumbles, sidestepping us as he carries a bag full of candles inside.

“Sorry, not sorry,” I call after him.

He mutters something unintelligible as he goes about his business, and Snow and I burst out laughing.

By the time I hear Val’s truck pull into the driveway, everything is ready. Soft vanilla and honey scented candles light every available surface, a gourmet platter along with a bottle of champaign and two flutes sit waiting on a small side table, and I am sprawled out across a black velvet chaise lounge in his favorite baby pink, lace lingerie set. And, of course, a pair of matching killer heels I got just for the occasion.

Anticipation thrums wild in my veins as the click of his key in the lock echoes through the house. He swings the door open, dropping his duffle in the entry as he steps inside. I watch as his head swings from one side of the room to the other, taking in the scene before him. I may have also had all his furniture moved to the shed out back to clear the way for my vision to come to life.

When his gaze finally lands on me, heat flares in his eyes. He wastes no time in kicking the door closed behind him and making his approach. “To what do I owe the pleasure of all this?” he asks.

I lick my lips, then slide off the chaise, coming to rest on my knees before him. I take his hands in mine, peering up into his loving eyes, and I have no doubts.

“Valentine Foster, you’ve been my best friend through all the very best and worst moments of my life. I can share my passions, my fears, and my dreams with you. I respect and adore absolutely everything about you. You fill my soul with peace and love, and I don’t want to ever live another day without you at my side. Val, will you marry me?”

He stares down at me, jaw working as he swallows hard and shakes his head. “You couldn’t wait just another week, could you?” he murmurs, a smile finally emerging on his scruff covered face.

And that is not the response I was expecting. I tilt my head. “Is that a no?”

“Of course not. And no take backs!” he says, dropping to his knees with me. Our hands still clasped, he leans in and brushes a kiss to each of my cheeks, then my forehead. “I love you, Bee, and I want to marry you more than anything. So much so, I was planning to ask you…” he levels me with an exasperated frown. “I had it all planned out. Flowers, music, a romantic setting—”

“You snooze, you lose,” I say, shuffling closer so I can wrap my arms around his neck. Our foreheads touch, and I smile up into his beautiful eyes. “You can still do it. No point wasting all that effort.”

He chuckles. “Nah, I like your ideawaybetter,” he says, kissing me again as his palms skate up and down my sides, sending a shiver down my spine. He grins against my mouth. “So, is that chaise ours now or did you hire it special for the occasion?”

I smirk. “It’s ours.”

“Excellent,” he murmurs. “I was hoping you’d say that.”


His hands stop their torturous glide along my sensitive flesh at my hips, where he grips them before lifting me and placing my butt on the edge of the chase. When his lusty gaze locks on mine, I know without a doubt, I’m going to enjoy everything that comes next.

