Page 129 of Moon Cursed

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Hearing that woman’s name makes my skin itch. I can’t believe we’re trusting her to tell us if Oscar’s put in any immediate danger. There’s no way in hell she’s going to take that job seriously.

“She is,” Rachel says. “She knows we won’t help her otherwise so if anything goes wrong, I’m sure she’ll be right on it.”

Noah doesn’t look convinced. He glances at me.

I shrug, not willing to voice my concerns.

“It doesn’t matter,” I say, after a second of hesitation. “The Alpha won’t do anything with Oscar in the next twenty-four-hours. He knows if he does, we could use the broken rule against him. He won’t want to risk the sale he already made.”

They’re all quiet after I say it.

It’s hard to believe. I’ve dealt with some shady Alphas in my lifetime, but I’ve never met one who sells Omegas as if they’re nothing more than a rare commodity. It’s messed up, and I hate that people exist who take advantage of their sensitive natures.

They should be protected, not exploited.

Cheryl comes back with the map, and Rachel unfolds it and lays it flat in the centre of the coffee table. She looks up at Cheryl. “Do you have something of Oscar’s we can use for the spell?”

“His flask is in the kitchen. I’ll get it.”

“That’s how you find someone using a spell?” I ask her. “You need something that belongs to them?”

“It’s not strictly necessary, but I want to make the object move if he’s moved more than say two miles. That means we’ll have a sort of alarm that goes off if they try to suddenly take him somewhere else. Then we can check where he’s being moved and teleport to him if we need to.”

“That’s kind of cool,” Noah says.

I glance at Ivy. She’s sitting next to Rachel, but her eyes haven’t left Vi’s sleeping face. She usually geeks out over magic talk. Clearly, she’s worried about her mate.

Cheryl comes back with the flask and sets it down on the table when she sits next to me.

“Thanks,” Rachel says, picking it up.

She looks at the map and puts the flask down near the centre. It’s approximately where the mansion sits in town. She’s put it where we are.

I can’t make out the words to the spell as she starts it. They’re too fast, and too foreign.

The invocation word seems to be ‘find’ but I could be wrong.

All I know is, right after she speaks that word, the flask rises up a couple inches and levitates over to the right side of the map before falling back down, off the map and on the table next to it.

“Extend,” Rachel says, before an extra panel shows on the map, added on to the right side.

The town under the flask is the one the pack came from.

Oscar’s where he’s supposed to be.

“It’s not moving. That’s a good thing, right?” Noah asks.

Rachel nods. “They’ve taken him to their town, and it’s likely they’ve locked him up for the night. The flask should stay still now. If we prepare by getting over there before twenty-four hours have passed, then we should get there before the Alpha can give him to his buyer.”

I notice she’s adding herself into the mix, and I can’t help wondering how her mates must feel about her being here. I know I wouldn’t like it if Cheryl was out helping Rachel under these conditions.

“You should go home,” I tell her, knowing it’s right.

She raises an eyebrow at me. “What?”

“He’s right,” Cheryl says. “You’ve been with us all day. Your mates must be getting worried.”

“For one thing, they’re always worried. They seriously need to get over it. For another, this situation is seriously stressful, and your magic is on the fritz. I’m not leaving when you might need me. I don’t care if that translates to me doing spells or just fixing you something to eat.” She smiles. “Though, I should go call Adrian back before he asks Silas to send a ghost to check on us.”
