Page 46 of Moon Cursed

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My spell is sketchy, and we both know it.

I lean in and listen to the conversation.

It looks like there are six of them out here, and so far no one’s noticed the shifters they’re out here talking about are only a few feet away from where they’re standing.

“How did they get away so fast?” A woman asks. She’s middle-aged and she sounds as pissed off as she looks. “That isn’t possible.”

“I told you, the Alpha’s mate is a hybrid. She’s part witch.” The oldest guy in the group looks pleased with himself, even if no one else seems happy. He’s the only one with white hair.

“You told us she was a quarter witch,” another middle-aged woman in a green sweater complains. “That’s like being a psychic human. It’s useless. She couldn’t levitate a pencil to save her life if that’s all she is.”

The old man snorts. “Witches are tricky.”

“That’s your answer to everything,” a middle-aged man says, rolling his eyes.

“It doesn’t solve our problem,” the first woman says.

“Nothing will tonight,” the middle-aged man says. “We’ll wait for first light. Contact Liam then. We follow pack law to the letter. That’s all we can do now.”

The first woman curses. Then she rubs her hands together. “It’s freezing out here. I’m going to sleep.” She walks away from the group, going into one of the tents. The others do the same after a few grumbles and goodnights.

We haven’t learned much from this effort, but Everett seems pensive.

He motions to me to get moving and we leave the campsite.

We don’t talk until we’re in our own back yard, when he stops outside the door and turns to me.

“They want Oscar because he’s an Omega,” he tells me, his jaw tight after he gets the words out.

I blink at him. “How did you…”

“One of them reeked of death,” he spits out. “He killed one of his own fucking people, so they could use pack law to steal one of ours.”

I’ve never seen Everett so angry, and I’ve seen him livid.

I’ve seen him kill. I hoped he’d never have to do that again but looking at him right now I can tell this problem doesn’t have a peaceful solution. We didn’t start this, but we’re going to have to end it.

“Oscar didn’t kill that girl. They can’t take him away.”

“I’ll kill every last one of them if they try,” Everett says, and I believe him.

Chapter Thirty-Two


Noschooltoday.Usually,that news would make me bounce out of bed like my body was made of springs. Sleep doesn’t seem half as important on the weekends. I can get through those with hardly any shut-eye at all. And snow days? Those are like sneaky little extra weekends.

Love them. Could never get enough of them.

This is different. It’s shit, and it feels shit.

Like going to a funeral.

Someone died.

Another shifter. Whoever she was, she picked a bad night to go running around the forest out there.

Or maybe it was me who picked the bad night to go stalking prey. She could have been out there night after night for all I know. It’s not like I’ve been keen to do the same.
