Page 48 of Moon Cursed

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I don’t have the energy to pretend the smell of his deodorant is making me feel woozy today. I can’t count the times I’ve made him paranoid with ridiculous complaints that don’t even make sense.

He’s too easy to wind up.

I’ll give him a break for once.

He deserves it.

Chapter Thirty-Three


It’spainfullyquietwhilewe wait for Cheryl to come back into the room. I’d expected to come back to non-stop bragging from our excitable Omega. Instead, he’s stony-faced and barely capable of stringing a sentence together. It feels like the world started turning upside down while we were gone. One night away from the mansion, and this happens.

It’s not a coincidence. It can’t be.

The pack Everett and Cheryl tracked to a campsite in the woods must have been waiting for this. Cheryl said Oscar wasn’t under a spell, and that there were no scent trails inside the mansion, but I’m not buying that this was a chance opportunity for them.

That leaves a plot we haven’t unravelled yet, or else Oscar really killed someone.

All wolves have an inbuilt kill-switch. Even Omegas.

We’re built to protect what’s ours. There’s not always a peaceful solution.

I understand that. Everett knows first-hand.

Oscar should never have had to go through this. His over-sensitive nature’s going to put him through hell. It doesn’t matter if he didn’t kill that girl. He’s going to feel like he did.

I don’t have the words to make him feel better.

I can’t even think up small talk to pass the time.

All I want is to go after the wolves who caused this.

We’re standing around waiting for their Alpha to contact us, because Everett decided we can’t respond until he does. He’s just following procedure. The ball is in the other pack’s court.

It’s up to them now to determine how things play out.

It only makes me more agitated to know that.

We need to be careful, to avoid breaking pack laws.

We need to be smart to tear their argument to shreds.

The one saving grace we have walks out of the bathroom suddenly, draped in purple silk and lace and wearing the same color on her lips. My Pretty Poison gives me a smile. It doesn’t last, but it’s enough to let me know she’s doing better than our Omega is right now.

She’s worried about him. We all are.

“You should wait downstairs,” I tell her, not wanting to say more in front of Oscar.

He knows what’s happening. He woke up while we were talking outside the room, and he made it clear that he’d heard every word. Cheryl told him everything at that point. He has a right to know.

But we don’t want to push it. He’s already fragile.

Cheryl raises an eyebrow at me. “That sounded like an order.”

“You’re not an Alpha,” Oscar pipes up, making me jump at the unexpected sound of his voice. “Cheryl will give the orders around here.”

She gives me another soft smile. “You can wait with Oscar. I’ll go talk to Everett.”
