Page 74 of Moon Cursed

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He can’t fucking stand it when I touch him like this. He’s never let me do it before.

He knows he needs help. He’s letting me help, even if it’s grudgingly.

It feels good, it feels right. I get a little high from the contact, probably because he’s so full of anger that I can only take the edge off. I can’t take it all away. It’s not possible. Years of pent-up aggression have made him this way. It can’t be healed overnight.

“Get off me, Oscar,” he snaps suddenly.

I let go and step back.

He’s pissed, but he doesn’t look ready to break someone in two with his bare hands now.

I consider that a success. “We need to go.”

He takes a breath and nods. Follows me out the room.

Noah raises an eyebrow at us when we walk into the hall.

“Ready?” he asks.

Everett makes an irritable noise.

I nod. “Let’s get this over with.”

Chapter Forty-Nine


Ittakesalmostsixminutes for my mates to come down the stairs once Noah goes to get them, and at least one bedroom door is broken up there now. Amanda jumped out of her skin when it slammed. I half-expected it, so I didn’t even flinch.

My eyes immediately go to Everett. He seems a little more together than he was yesterday, but his eyes are cold, and his jaw is clenched. He doesn’t like anything about this, but he’ll get through it.

I look at Oscar next. He’s still acting like none of this is a big deal.

“Okay,” I tell them. “I’ve locked the back door. I’m going to lock this one once we’re outside. We’ll take them through the yard via the gate, and out to the woods from there.”

I open the door once I’m sure everyone knows what the plan is.

The witch has her arms folded. She seems sour, but I trust Rachel when she tells me she’s legit.

Whatever her personal feelings, she’ll be impartial, and the spell will eliminate any doubt over what really happened. It’s all good. We just need to get it over with now and get these wolves off our property.

“We’re ready,” I tell them, clear enough for the wolves to hear by the gate.

They move closer as I let everyone filter out of the house.

“You’re allowed one witch,” Mabel tells us. “To double check my casting. You’re allowed one. Not two. As you’re one of this pack’s Alpha’s you can be there too, but you can’t check my casting personally. Only one of you can. So, who’s that going to be?”

Shit. It would have been good to have them both there in case things go south, but if I have to choose, it needs to be Rachel. “Sorry, Amanda. Are you okay with waiting here?”

The quiet girl nods. “Sure. I’ll keep Ivy company.”

She goes back inside. I look at Mabel. “Is everyone else allowed to be here?”

“Pack members are allowed, and one witch.”

I lock the door and put the keys in the pocket of my skirt.

“Lead the way,” Mabel tells me.
