Page 80 of Moon Cursed

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Killing an Alpha without justification breaks pack law.

If I don’t want to pretend it was a move to take over his pack, then I need to find a good reason to take him out. The fact that he’s an opportunist asshole doesn’t count.

“We need to find out about his pack,” I tell them, watching him leave.

“That would be a good start,” Cheryl agrees.

“We should also find out if he still has people on your territory,” Rachel adds. “It won’t matter to this case, but you could report it and he’ll have to move them along. They can’t stay here when it’s obvious it’s your territory, and their Alpha knows now so they should know.”

I doubt they’re still out there. They think they’re getting what they came for.

“That reminds me,” Cheryl says. “I’d like to be able to set something up to close off the entry points to the woods that currently exist. A spell would make the most sense since it’s a huge area.”

Smart. Kind of wish we’d thought of it before the worst happened.

“We can do that while we’re out here,” Rachel says. “We can set up wards. It’s fairly basic, and you’ll be able to check and strengthen the spell on your own, periodically. So that should keep you safe from any trespassers from now on.”

“Besides magic users,” Amanda adds. “Dante’s been showing me how to break down spells like that one. Like you said, it’s pretty basic. It would make sense to have some kind of alert system in place too, so you know if the wards have been disabled.”

“Good point,” Cheryl says. “Let’s put those spells to the side for later. What’s the best way to find out more about the pack?”

“Well, they’re from Limestone Ridge. I saw that when I checked up on the witch. It shouldn’t be too hard to get a feel for what they’re about if we go out there,” Rachel says, after a slight pause. “Unless some of them are still out in the woods. If they haven’t moved on, we could question one or two of them.”

“If they haven’t moved on, I could crush them into bonemeal for the wildflowers in the forest,” I mutter, moving my fingers to get a fresh burst of pain before I seriously consider going out there to hunt the bastards down.

I move away from the window, only to find Oscar has spread himself out on our couch, lying all stretched out with his arms wrapped around a cushion as if he’s about to take a nap.

Cheryl moves a little to make room for me between her and Noah.

I lean over Oscar instead of sitting down.

“So, that’s the plan? We find out who this pack is. Then what?” I ask.

“We need to know why they want Oscar,” Cheryl tells me. “If we figure that out, maybe we can find a way to stop this.”

“They want him because he’s an Omega,” I tell her.

“It has to be more than that,” Noah says. “They were out there before… everything. Maybe they were watching us, gathering information.”

“Something was definitely going on,” Cheryl says.

“That’s so creepy,” Vi murmurs, shivering in her seat.

It is, and I should have been aware of it. Pack leaders are supposed to take security seriously. They have their Betas patrol territory, watch out for potential threats. I haven’t been doing that. I’ve fucked up so damn much.

“Okay, we have limited time so we should get this started,” Cheryl decides. “Noah, can you check how long it takes to get to Limestone Ridge?”

“Sure,” he says. “You mean by car, right?”

“Right,” Cheryl confirms.

“One of you can’t teleport out there, or something?” I ask.

Cheryl shakes her head. “Rachel and Amanda teleported to get here. They’ll have to do the same to get back home.”

I know when Cheryl doesn’t offer to do it that she must still be drained from yesterday’s efforts.

It’s frustrating. We can’t afford to lose any of the time we have, and we can’t use any of the biggest spells that should be at our disposal. It doesn’t leave a lot of options.
