Page 99 of Moon Cursed

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She turns back to the waitress, who I realize has been staring at us both in complete shock.

“I’ll be fine,” I say, trying to convince myself of that fact.

“We need to get Georgia out of here. She told me the Alpha uses all the women here as breeders, and he takes the kids away from them if they display signs that they might be Omegas or Alphas.”

That’s seriously fucked up. No wonder this girl did what she did.

Rachel lips set in a grim line. “She wants to go home before we leave town. I told her that’s a bad idea.”

“I can’t leave Leo. He’s only seven.”

I raise my eyebrows at her. “Your kid is home alone and he’s only seven?”

She bursts into tears. “My neighbours look in on him. I can’t afford any other help. I don’t want the Alpha to take him away from me.”

Shit. This is seriously fucked up. It’s also risky as hell.

“The diners were looking for you inside,” I say. “Does this place close soon?”

She nods. “In five minutes, it’ll close until the dinner rush at four.”

Rachel purses her lips. “Go back inside and we’ll wait for you to finish up.”

She wipes at her eyes. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

She grabs her keys from her pocket and goes back into the diner.

I steady myself against the wall, waiting for the queasy feeling to pass.

“You think she’s legit?” I ask once I’m completely sure I’m done with throwing up.

“I used a truth spell. She’s worried about being caught, but she’s not lying. We can appeal the decision to hand Oscar over to this pack based on what she’s said. He’s an Omega, and, clearly, he won’t be safe here.”

“Did she say what exactly happens to the Omegas when the Alpha takes them?” I ask.

“She doesn’t know, but they’re never seen again.”

“We can’t let him take Oscar.”

“She can stop that from happening,” Rachel says. “But don’t mention it until we get back to your place. It took a lot of guts to do what she did. She’s scared. We don’t want to freak her out.”

“My lips are sealed,” I tell her. “Just tell me we’re done with the invisibility thing and all the teleporting around. Please.”

She glances back at the door.

“We’re not done with that stuff?” I ask.

She looks back at me. “Sorry, but we can’t be seen walking her to her home, and it’s probably safest to teleport all of us from her house to the car. Discretion is the key to getting her out of here.”

My stomach churns at the thought of another teleport. The invisibility thing doesn’t sound too easy right now either, but I could have handled it if that was all I had to look forward to.

I let out a groan. “I can’t wait to get out of here.”

“It won’t be much longer,” she reassures me. “She said her apartment is only a ten-minute walk from here.”

“Great,” I grumble, trying not to think about what it’s going to take to get there.

I take a good look down at my body, trying to prepare for letting it vanish from sight again.
