Page 149 of Shifting Spirits

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I can feel everything from all of them. Love, arousal, desire, all mixing together into a potent, heady intoxicant that washes over me in waves. It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before in my life.

Silas’ hands move to my hips, and I break Adrian’s kiss, needing desperately to have him do something I’ve been thinking about since Christmas.

“Adrian, I didn’t give you your gift,” I tell him.

He looks confused. “What are you talking about?”

“Christmas,” I remind him. “I want a real mark. On my throat.”

Shock burns through all the other emotions of my mates.

I can feel Silas standing behind me, ready to fill my aching pussy.

This need is more desperate. I’ve wanted it since I thought of it, and I’ve worked hard not to show it.

“Holy shit,” Carter mutters.

“Rachel, I don’t think you know …” Adrian starts.

“I know what I’m asking,” I tell him. “I’ve wanted to ask for a while. I was waiting to make it special.”

Adrian looks at Carter. He doesn’t believe me that this isn’t a heat of the moment thing.

“She’s not lying, Adrian,” Carter says. “She wants your mark where it should be. She wants everyone to know she belongs here, with you, with us.”

“I want mating marks, too,” I add. “But this should happen first. It’s important.”

“Mating marks,” Carter murmurs. He’s excited by the thought of it.

Silas feels proud of me. I think he knows Adrian needs this.

I figured it out a while ago, and I knew it was what I needed, too.

“Please, Adrian. Mark me. This is what I’ve chosen. It’s what was fated for me, but I would have chosen it if things had been different. You’re my Alpha, and I want a mark that I asked for, and one you agreed to give me because I asked.” My eyes plead with him, my body aching with need.

I feel it when he agrees. When his wolf growls in agreement and his teeth sharpen, ready to plunge into my throat. He leans in and kisses me first, his arms holding me to support me. It hurts a little when his teeth sink into my skin, but I welcome the pain, knowing it’s only a pinch. The feeling when he seals the wound with a lick makes me shiver with delight.

Goddess, yes. This is everything I want.

These men, this pack. This life here, as a mate to them and a coven leader to my two closest friends.

I want all of this, for the rest of my life. It’s where I belong. It’s my home. A real home, every single day. We love each other and treat each other the same every day, we don’t just act like a family at Christmas. We’re always a family.

My vision is glowing as Silas sinks his cock into me, filling me with slow, hard thrusts.

My teeth sharpen and Adrian nods, baring his throat to me, leaning in close.

“Mark me as your mate, Rachel.”

“Yes, Alpha.”

Chapter Eighty-Two


Ican’tcounthowmany times Rachel has surprised me since we met. My mate knows what she wants, and she’s not afraid to ask for it. I surprise myself when I offer her my throat.

Most Alphas don’t let anyone mark their throat. I remember talking about it with other Alphas at the academy. They all swore blind that they would never let a mate mark them there. They thought it would make them look weak.
