Page 74 of Shifting Spirits

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The mood feels a little sombre now, but I know that won’t last.

He does his nails and I put the hair dryer and brush back where they belong, in the storage box by the side of the desk. When he’s ready, we head downstairs.

Chapter Forty-One


Cookingisusuallymydistraction. I use it to while the time away when Rachel’s not around and learning to make better food has definitely helped make the bar more popular. Today I’m so distracted by Sara’s absence that I can barely concentrate for longer than a few minutes at a time.

It’s just as well most of the work was done in advance, because if I had to do it from scratch right at this moment, I know it would be a disaster.

Adrian comes back into the kitchen after I’ve put the turkey in the oven.

I can feel his eyes on me, even if he doesn’t speak.

Sighing, I turn to him. “She isn’t out there today. I called her and she didn’t show.”

He frowns. “I thought ghosts couldn’t ignore it when they’re called on.”

“They shouldn’t be able to.”

“You think she crossed over?”

I think about it, and the only answer I can come up with is one that doesn’t help. “I don’t know.”

Spirits who haven’t made the decision to cross over to their afterlives stay partially tethered to the corporeal realm. They can hang around amongst the living or retreat to the other side of the veil until they make a decision to move on. Those who’ve crossed over are a lot harder to communicate with. Not impossible, exactly, but I probably couldn’t manage it.

My special ability to summon spirits comes from my human side.

I’m part human, part shifter. I don’t have witch-blood running through my veins. I’m not a necromancer. My control isn’t as strong as it would be if I was. Commanding the dead is easier for natural born witches who can use death magic. I can’t force Sara to come here if she doesn’t want to, if she crossed over already, or if someone or something is stopping her. I can only call on her, compelling her to come visit me.

Why should she want to do that now, after I’ve been so awful to her?

It’s completely possible for her to ignore me, and that could be what she’s doing.

It’s equally possible that she decided this wasn’t worth her time, and she moved on to her afterlife.

I have no way of knowing which unless she shows up again and decides to forgive me for blowing up at her. That feels unlikely at this point.

“Rachel might be able to work it out,” Adrian says. “If she can’t, she knows someone who could.”

“Dante’s sister,” I murmur, wishing I knew the girl personally, if only to save Rachel from needing to know every last detail about this mess.

“Right,” he agrees. “The necromancer.”

If anyone can help us, it’s her.

“We can talk about it later,” Adrian says.

“Tomorrow?” I ask, knowing I’ll be distracted all damn day.

“Try not to think about it,” Adrian says.

That’s like asking me not to breathe.

He made me feel guilty for shutting Sara down, and now I’m going to be tense until I know she’s okay. Kind of crazy, worrying over a girl who’s already dead, but there are ways to hurt spirits and I’d hate to think anything bad happened to her.

“Yeah.” I give him a wry smile. “I’ll try.”
