Page 5 of Shattered Glass

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“Who’s first?” I call out, and a giant of a man steps forward. His cock hangs out, thick and heavy, already leaking as he licks his thick lips. He’s perfect. I shove her toward him, and he eagerly grabs her, ripping her gown in two before tossing her onto the nearest table. A line forms behind him, her screams beckoning to them like a siren’s call.

Throwing my head back, I laugh, letting my magic loose. No one is safe from it; it glides and slithers through the room, affecting everyone. Their eyes turn black, then back to normal. The orgy continues, the ones previously abstaining now join in.

The smell of sex is ripe in the air. The sound of moans, gasps, and slapping flesh are loud, and I slither around the room, soaking in the sin. A particularly handsome man comes toward me, and I eye him with pleasure. Yes, he’ll do. He lies on the ground at my direction, and I climb onto him, his cock filling me completely. Two maids join us, latching themselves onto my breasts, while another man comes from behind, pushing himself into my ass.

One of the king’s huntsmen watches from across the room, and I beckon him closer. Batting my eyelashes at him, I open my mouth in invitation. He gulps, his eyes transfixed on our little orgy. He only hesitates a moment before thrusting his length in my mouth.

As the men pound into me and the women suckle my breasts, the pleasure continues to grow until it explodes, taking me with it. Opening my eyes, they catch the huntsman’s, his face slack with pleasure as he feeds his cock to me. Blood fills my mouth as I bite down viciously, and he screams in agony.

Tearing my head back, I rip it from the root, and he crashes to the ground, blood spurting like a fountain. I spit it out, and the room goes silent as the onlookers stop to see what the commotion is. The two maids back away from me, eyes wide in disbelief as the huntsman’s blood flows toward them. Whipping my magic out, I slit their throats before they can scream, cackling in satisfaction as they fall to their feet.

The man beneath me has stilled his movements, lying frozen in terror. The one at my back doesn’t stop, too far gone in either drink or lust to notice what is happening around him. Flicking my hand back, he flies off me, hitting the wall with a painful thud. He slides down it, the light going out of his eyes, blood spilling from the crack in his skull.

“Your turn,” I whisper to the man beneath me. Flicking my hand out, I grin when my nails sharpen into claws. Before he can do anything, I tear his steaming entrails from his gut. Blood-curdling screams rip from his throat as I keep pulling, piling them up next to him. Leaning forward, I place a gentle kiss on his forehead. “Goodbye, lover,” I murmur before digging into his chest, ripping out his heart.

The screams stop, his head lolling to the side. Pulling myself to my feet, I run the heart over my lips, the blood painting my face. Everyone watches me warily, too scared to move or even blink. I meet their eyes, one by one, then tear into the heart with my teeth, the delicious flesh sliding down my throat. I moan in ecstasy, feeling my power increase with the bloody meal. After the heart is consumed, I smear blood over my face and down my breasts, then throw my arms into the air. Chanting a quick memory spell, I erase my presence from their memories before leaving the hall.

Moments later, screams echo throughout the castle as the partygoers wake up, processing their nakedness and the gruesomely bloody scene I left behind. Entering the king’s room, I find him still lying on the bed, staring like the brainless moron he will soon permanently become.

“Good boy,” I whisper, curling into his side.

Chapter 4

Snow White

Nine Years Old

“It’snotfair!”Ishout, bending over to pick up a stone. I throw it at a tree, gouging out a piece of bark. Tightness stabs my chest, making breathing painful.

“What’s wrong?” Cassian asks, his eyes skimming the surroundings. He may only be thirteen, but he’s always on watch, making sure I’m safe. We’re out in the field adjacent to the one Momma died in, the one I refuse to step foot in again.

Clenching my fists tightly, I answer, “Nothing has been the same since my mother died. Papa ignores me. The evil stepbitch—“


I narrow my eyes at him. “Bitch, bitch, bitch!” I scream back, the pain welling up inside of me bursting forth. “She’s ruined everything! A-and I think she’s the reason Momma died,” I sob, my voice breaking as I let out the secret I’ve been holding on to for the last year.

Cassian finally stops searching for danger and meets my eyes. “Shush!” he whispers harshly, quickly coming to my side. Glancing up, I follow his gaze, noticing two ravens sitting in the branches of the tree I just damaged.

Raw terror scrapes at my heart, the feeling not unlike the raven scars I carry on my cheek—a constant reminder of my mother’s death.

He flips his shaggy dark-blond hair out of his eyes before grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the tree. “You need to be more careful,” he hisses at me. Once we’re a safe distance away, he takes me by the shoulders. “She’s powerful, Snow. I’ve seen some things I can’t explain.” His jaw ticks as his emerald-green eyes bore into mine. “Some of the huntsmen, who I have known since birth, are acting strange. Doing things they wouldn’t have done before.”

“Like what?” Scooping up my skirts, I sit on the thick grass, Cassian only hesitating a moment before joining me.

“I can’t say,” he says, eyes downcast while his cheeks flame pink.


“No, Snow. I can’t tell you now. Maybe in a few years, okay?”

I growl with frustration. “Fine. Maybe I won’t tell you what I saw, then.” Folding my arms over my chest, I smirk at him, knowing how much he hates being left out.

“Tell me.”


