Page 59 of Shattered Glass

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“And you kept your promise.”

I pull back and peer up at him, the corner of my mouth lifting. “I did.”


I snort. Looks like it’s going to be up to me. “Cassian of Valderán, son of Alaric, Prince of Granton. I have loved you every second of my life. You have been my protector, my best friend, my confidant, and my lover. There is no me without you. Will you tie your life to mine, become my king consort, and stand forever by my side?”

Cass brushes his fingers over my cheek, his eyes searching mine before he dips his head and softly kisses my lips. The gesture has my eyes tearing again, but this time with happiness. “You know there is only you, Snow. I could never have another. Yes, I will marry you. I can think of no higher honor.”

Long into the night we worship each other, celebrating life and our love. Each touch a promise and a vow.

Tomorrow we will bury our dead and mourn, but then we will look to the future. An endless supply of tomorrows, where our country will rebuild and heal, crops will flourish, and joy and laughter will once more ring out across the kingdom.

“I’ll always catch you,” Cass whispers in my ear. I wind my hands in his hair, arching against him.

“Always,” I agree.


Andsothekingdomof Valderán began to heal, faster than anyone could have predicted. By the spring, the land grew green again, and the wildflowers once more danced amongst the tall grasses.

Snow White and Cassian decided against an elaborate coronation and wedding and instead held a small, intimate dual ceremony beneath the blossoms of the apple trees. Osiris himself officiated, and the people agreed that to have a god bless their monarchs’ union was fortunate indeed.

For a wedding gift, and in thanks for their aid in freeing her son, Queen Aoife of the Fae gifted them a stunning new palace at the edge of the sea. Rising from the cliffs, the white castle sports a multitude of towers, a perfect warren of halls and corridors for children to play. Some say, on just the right kind of day, the castle appears to be floating in the clouds.

And of children, there were many. Three boys and three girls, each born with their parents’ fair looks and Snow White’s hazel-gold eyes. The palace rang with laughter and love, and every few years, the family made the long journey to visit the Beast, for he had a soft spot for the children.

As for Morana, her statue was moved to the new palace and set in a walled garden tended to by the nature fairies. It remains there until this very day, forced to watch over the happy family. Legends say that if you dare to get close enough, you can make out her screams.

The king and queen could often be found, much to the amusement of the servants and the consternation of their children, chasing each other gleefully through the meadows surrounding the palace. The people of Valderán rejoiced in their happiness, and a golden age of peace and prosperity followed their reign, beloved by all.

And they, of course, lived happily ever after.
