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Cleaning up poop and vomit was not my idea of a fun Saturday afternoon but I had been called in by the Farringtons to come and look after Michael. Well, more specifically Adriana. I swear, I spent more time with her baby than she did.

She had said it was some ‘work emergency’. The woman didn’t work. Unless you called sitting at home all day and spending her husband’s hard earned money work then yeah she worked so hard.

Michael cooed up at me clapping his little chubby hands together.

“Your mommy is a real piece of work isn’t she buddy?” I tucked him further into his stroller, protecting him from the outside breeze. “But you won’t tell her I said that right?”

He gave me a little gummy smile as if he understood what I had just said.

I pushed the stroller into the lobby of the ‘The Opium’, one of Chicago’s most exclusive and expensive prime real estate properties. There was a waiting list with an estimated wait time of 5 years. Only the crème de la crème lived here. And that was exactly what my bosses were. Well, more so Gabriel Farrington. The man had an estimated net worth of 8 billion dollars. And this little baby in the stroller, Michael, was his sole heir.

Michael was a billionaire the moment he was conceived. His birth made front page news. Me landing this nanny job was pure luck.

“Good morning, Miss Brianna.” Andrew the door man greeted me. “How is young master Michael?”

“Morning Andrew.” I smiled back. “The little guy has been fussy all morning but he is calm now. I just need to get him down for his nap.”

“I will leave you to it.”

We said our goodbyes and I walked to the private elevator that led to the penthouse.

I leaned my head against the mirrored wall and looked up at the roof. A large crystal chandelier hung above me. Even though I had been working here for eight months I still couldn’t get used to the glitz and the glamor this world came with.

I grew up dirt poor. With a dead father and drug addicted mother my life was far from easy. I practically raised myself and my mother. Relapse after relapse I had been there to hold her hand through it all. Until of course she ran away with her junkie drunk dealer.

The last time I had spoken to my mother was over a year ago. I didn’t even know if she was still in the United States let alone Chicago.

I closed my eyes and let out a heavy sigh. Today was meant to be my rest day. But I guess there was no rest for the poor.

The doors opened and I pushed Michael into the penthouse. The large floor to ceiling windows showcased the beautiful Chicago skyline. However, due to the slightly overcast weather you couldn’t really see the city in its true beauty.

I unclipped Michael from his stroller and took his bag to head upstairs. The little guy was bouncing and full of energy so I knew that nap time was going to be a mission and a half.

After three lullabies and a little begging from my part, Michael finally went down for his nap. I had about three hours before he woke up again for his afternoon feed.

As I exited out of the rather lavish nursery I stopped mid-step when I heard some mumbling voices.

As far as I knew Adriana and Gabriel were out today and none of the housekeepers were home. That could only mean there was either an intruder or the Farrington’s had come home early.

I grabbed the vase that was perched on a pedestal and walked down the stairs slowly. Was the vase a practical weapon? No. But I had no other option.

As I crept my way downstairs the voices became clearer and I recognized one of them.

“What more do you want from me Alister?” That was Adrianna’s voice.

“I’m tired of this Addy. It’s been over a year and you have made no move to leave him.” A male voice I didn’t recognize spoke. “You said you loved me.”

“Of course I love you Alister. But I’m married to the man and we just had a baby. This isn’t just some random off the street. This is Gabriel Farrington. His family practically owns the east coast. I can’t just leave him.”

I heard the guy, Alister, scoff. “And I'm a Howard. That means something.”

“You are worth 100 million. Gabriele is worth 8 billion. I love you, but power wise you pale in comparison to him.” Adriana explained. “Just hold on a little longer. I’m still trying to figure out how I can leave this marriage. You just need to be patient for a little bit longer.”

“Fine. But I’m not going to wait around forever, Addy. You belong to me. I can make you happy.”
