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“You could marry Brianna.” Dominic snorted. “Everyone would think that you two were bumping nasties this entire time and Michael loves her. But then again you can’t stand the girl so that would never work.”

Wait a minute. Maybe…maybe he was on to something.

Brianna could work. Michael knew her and he loved her. He spent more time with her than he did with either me or Adriana. She had been working for me long enough that no one would suspect a thing.

“Gabriel? I was kidding.”

“No,” I sat up straight. “You just may have solved my issue for me. I have to go.”

“Gabriel don’t be stu—”

I hung up before he could finish.

Was this plan crazy? Possibly. Especially considering the last real conversation I had with Brianna was less than pleasant. I had called her a gold digger at best and prostitute at worst.

Convincing her would be hard but I had to at least try. Besides, who could turn me down? I was Gabriel Farrington. I could move mountains with the click of my fingers.

Little did I know that Brianna was one mountain that refused to be moved.



“I’m telling you it was the elves!” A homeless man with grey hair struggled in his handcuffs as the officer dragged him to the back. “They’re after me! They’re coming for us all!”

I tightened my bag closer to my chest and sunk in deeper to the metal waiting chairs. This was not how I pictured my Sunday afternoon. But when I got the call that they had my mother detained in the back I dropped everything and raced over here.

I hadn’t seen this woman in over a year. Now she just pops in a police station no less. I didn’t know how to feel or react.

There was a small part of me that had thought she had died in some ditch somewhere with a needle stuck in her arm. It was how my mother chose to live her life after my father passed.

“Ma’am?” An officer approached me with a clipboard.


“You are here for Nora Roberts?”

“No, her name is Nora Scott, my mother.”

The officer looked down at her clipboard again. “No, it’s Roberts. Says here she is married.”

My mother got married? What has she been doing this past year.

“I guess she got married without my knowledge. Umm…can I ask what she did? I just got the call to say that she had been arrested and needed bail.”

The officer looked down at the clipboard. “It says here that she was caught streaking naked in a park and was found drunk. She also threw human excrements at an officer.”

Oh my God.

“How much is bail?” I was already dreading the answer.

“Nine thousand dollars, ma’am.”

I nearly chocked on my own saliva. “What do you mean nine thousand dollars?”

“This is your mother’s second offence. And she also assaulted an officer with the human excre—”

“I know, I know.” I leaned back into the metal of the chair. “Okay. I can pay that.”
