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“Forgive me, but there are plenty of single parents who have sole custody of their kids. Surely a judge will grant you custody without having to be married.”

He shook his head. “Franco doesn’t think so and I want to cover all my bases. This is my son we are talking about, I won’t take chances.”

“As much as I want to help you Mr. Farrington, I can’t. I swore to never get married and I know it may not mean anything to you but it means a lot to me.”

“I can value someone who stands by their words. But in this case we won’t have to get married. We just need to show that we are in a long term committed relationship. So instead of a marriage then, it will be an engagement. We can call it off after I get custody of my son.”

“I don’t know what to say?”

“Say yes,” he leaned onto the edge of the couch. “I will double your pay. I will even throw in an added bonus for when the deal is done. Name your price and I will meet it.”

“It’s not about the money Mr Farrington. You are a Farrington and with that comes added publicity and attention that I don’t want. I like my quiet and simple life.”

“If you won’t do it for me then do it for Michael.” The man knew just where to hit me. “You know he can’t live with his mother. Adriana is more concerned about next season's fashion trends than her own son. She will use my son against me until she gets what she wants.”

“And what is it she wants?”

He hesitated for a moment. “She wants me.”

Of course she would want Gabriel back. Gabriel was a walking gold mine. Not to mention the status she probably lost after their splits. Women like Adriana thrived on power and status. Both of which she no longer had.

“And you don’t want her back?”

“No.” His tone was stern. “I never go back on a decision once it’s been made. So will you help me, Brianna?”

I wanted to say no. I wanted to tell him that he was crazy but those aren’t the words that tumbled out of my mouth.

“Can I think about it?”

He didn’t look pleased but none the less he nodded his head. “But don’t take too long. We start court proceedings in two weeks. You have until then to decide.”

“Okay.” No pressure at all. “Is Michael awake?”

Gabriel shook his head. “I put him down for his nap but he hasn’t woken up yet.”

“You should wake him before four. Otherwise you won’t be getting much sleep any time soon.”

“Noted.” He stood from his seat, “I will walk you out.”

I got up silently from my seat and allowed him to lead me to the elevator.

“Why me?” It was a question I should have asked at the beginning of all of this. “Surely you could have gotten someone to play this role for you. You could have even paid someone to curate a backstory for you as well.”

“Because Michael is comfortable with you. You also genuinely care about my son, almost as if he were your own. The judge will see that and most importantly Adriana will buy the whole love affair thing.”

“I see.”

The elevator doors opened and I stepped inside.

“Clock is ticking Miss Scott.” The way his eyes were locked on me had all the air escaping from my lungs. His gaze was hypnotic. Once you were lost in it there was no going back.

“Good night, Mr Farrington.”

The doors closed on me and I let out a long breath. I leaned my head against the cool mirrored wall. I turned to the side and gazed at my reflection.

My red hair was tied into a messy bun on top of my head. My icy blue eyes had darkened a shade. And the pink on my cheeks was bright.

I looked flustered.
