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The doors opened and we walked into the penthouse.

“Holy shit!” Ava squealed. “If you don’t want her to do it then I will. You get to live here? For free?”

Alana clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth. “What part of ‘she sold her soul’ do you not understand? This isn’t free. Nothing in this world is free.”

I set the box down. “You two said you wanted to come as moral support. So can we get to the support part of things.”

“I’m being supportive. Miss grouchy pants over here is being a Debby downer.” Ava set her box down and walked toward the large windows. “Look at this view!”

“I’m just saying that Bri needs to be careful. We don’t really know this man. And now you have moved into his home.”

“I’ve been working for him for almost two years. I think I have a good grasp of who the man is, Al.”

She shook her head. “No you don’t. What if he’s just trying to lure you in? What if wants to lock you up in a basement somewhere and cut you into tiny little pieces.”

“I can assure that I am no cannibal and I have no desire to lock Brianna in a basement.” His voice came from behind me and I went rigid.

Slowly, I turned to face him and saw him standing there in a suit and tie.

“Mr. Farrington.” I greeted him. Thankfully my calm voice did not reflect the inner frenzy that was currently going on inside of me. “I thought you would be at work.”

“I came to welcome you.” His hazel eyes stayed trained on me, keeping me in their hypnotic gaze. “You brought friends.”

He broke our stare off and looked briefly at Ava and Alana before returning his gaze back to me.

“I needed help bringing in my stuff.”

He nodded his head and walked toward the boxes. “Is this all?”

“No. I still have some more things in Ava’s car.”

“Then I guess I will be off. You already know the house well.” He cleared his throat. “You will be taking the second guest room on the top floor.”

I nodded. “And Michael?”

“I will go and get him when I get off work. You can take the day off for today.” He excused himself and walked to the elevator. “Your cards and keys are on your night stand. I will be home for dinner.”

The elevator doors closed on him leaving me alone with the girls.

“Oh. My. God!” Ava exclaimed. “The pictures in magazines don’t do him justice. That man is walking sex on legs. I can’t stand it!” Ava fanned herself dramatically. “Does he have Greek blood in him? Those eyes are like heaven. How do you not faint when talking to him?”

“Ava Marie control yourself.” Alana scolded her. “The man is not some sex god from one of your twisted fantasies. She is Bri’s boss who is slowly bleeding her dry.”

“Both of you shut up.” I muttered trying to calm my racing heart. “We still need to move some more boxes. Let’s go.”

“It has to be big right? Like look at him.”

“Ava I swear to God.” Alana bit out as we made our way to the elevator.

The two continued their back and forth all the while my brain kept replaying images of Gabriel in his suit.

I had seen him dressed for work on multiple occasions. I didn’t see why today he looked so different to me.

“Alana you have to admit the man is sexy. You have eyes.” Ava kept going on and on. “I mean even his hands.”

“Ava. Shut up.” Both Alana and I said at the same time.

She pouted and dropped the topic at hand for all of ten minutes before she started again.
